Community Upgrade | Big Announcement!

How do you make your profile private?

Preferences --> Interface


No worries, we will hide DOB information in users profile. Our technician is working on it!


Thank you @AnkerTechnical

You rock :ok_hand:t2:

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Thank you :+1: I cannot see anybody’s DOB any way, may be it was removed already? Good to know!
Thanks to @Shenoy for bringing this up :+1:

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@AnkerOfficial @AnkerTechnical

believe I found one other bug / defect or may be it is limited only to me :wink:

Per the new rules for points and powerbucks, there is 5 PowerBucks earned Per Day for visit to the Community,

Out of curiosity, was hovering the profile section, and found there were no PowerBucks added to me for the site visit for Yesterday and Today. This was the one which caught my eyes… not that I am powerbucks hungry but if there are rules these need to be followed by members as well as Moderators (Anker team here :smiley: ) and the Community platform

Not sure if this is limited to Site Visit or any other entities for which PBs were not added


Never seen it, not even my own dob,

Did I say I turn fifty two weeks last Thursday :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


It does :slight_smile:

Going by date YYYY-MM-DD, it’s in next 2 weeks

Great catch. I also didn’t receive powerbucks for visiting the site. They are getting stingy with the powerbucks lol

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Hopefully we will hear on Monday and Anker team will address these Items! :slight_smile:

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Happy brithday old friend Mac,
You are a young one comparing to me old Methusalem . :joy:

Not yet Franz, it’s the 4th.

Still time to send a card :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:lol

Which date you think is missing? Visit the community bucks reward on June 20th?

Same for me… missing bucks for the 19th… since then talking to @AnkerTechnical , they say it’s a system delay…
but, 5 days later, I still don’t see it …


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yes, that is correct,

@AnkerOfficial @AnkerTechnical This has happened to my account as well :thinking:

@ankerofficial @AnkerTechnical my account as well

You guys are really fighting for those five power bucks eh?

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Powerbucks are important! They’re the center of the universe…

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Confirm with our technicians that there is no problem with the points and bucks system. This is caused by the time zone display. Usually the system will record in UTC time, but it will be displayed differently in the time zone of your country. For example, the record on June 19th you seen may be completed by you on 18th.