Time for Anker Auction Event đź’ˇ

Some Positives for having PowerBucks hidden / mystery, which I am sure many may agree / not agree to, these are my thoughts –

  1. There is always a surprise aspect
  2. No one knows till the time auction ends, who the winner will be!
  3. It makes lazy people keep checking the auction :smiley:
  4. For an auction to be really be fun… the total asset has to be mystery,
  5. And why would I (or anyone for that matter) want to expose powerbucks - I am sure there are lot who would just want to empty it :wink: … simply keep bidding / bloating it … As long as Bloating is allowed, i think it is fair to keep the PowerBucks hidden
  6. There are few with lot of PowerBucks in excess of 4-5K, and with the Account PowerBucks revealed, we already know who will be the winner… then its not an Auction but a Premium PowerDraw…

Hope @Ankerofficial keeps the option as in the past, and let us keep the Account Hidden, not required to reveal the PowerBucks

Couldn’t agree more.
I don’t hide my profile but for those that want to, whatever, go for it :man_shrugging:t3:
The only thing I feel I personally miss out on is not being able to see someone’s location, it’s interesting knowing where you guys are based.

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I went all-in on the wireless buds last week, what a waste of bucks that was :unamused: I lose to people who just post a one line review.


Yes, this is an enhancement request for the Anker & Soundcore Community, reveal everything except Points / PowerBucks / Notes

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Had once gone all-in with all powerbucks for Anker PowerStrip … but without luck

After that now I use only 1 entry into PowerDraw… just to test my luck… but 1 entry only!

Point 1 - Kinda agree but in the same light if you bid at an auction, you normally know the end prize…hence attending an auction…

Point 2 - I doubt many are that eager to fully clean themselves out, especially through non valid bids…which is easier to do, aka upbidding without the ability to call someone if your profile is hidden…(and yes, myself and several others called up bidders and got things back on track in the first 1-2 auctions)

Point 3 - Only if the ones with the big bucks are after the item in question…the next auction could be a wireless charger which is no use to me, so I would out despite my bucks, same might go for another Flare gen 1, Model Zero, PowerCore with PD etc…hiding only allows the ability to up bid where those with higher saved amounts could lose a bigger amount of bucks (which can be hard to generate) simply through someone lower in bucks starting a rolling snowball…with no way to call…

Just my thoughts…plus it’s harder to see someone’s region and posting stats :slight_smile:

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I should have worded it as “Bidding asset (powerbucks)” … my mistake

Ankerofficial has view of everyones bucks, and they can see and notify the user / make the bid invalid.

@ndalby Again a valid point, similar to one made by @paulstevenewing
Only PowerBucks & / Points need to be hidden, rest all the profile should be displayed.

I think we had a similar issue earlier on Anker Community when Date Of Birth was being displayed, so removing powerbucks from display should be a doable thing. See this :point_down:

It is a request to Anker Team (may be you can send it to Anker official )

Which adds additional items to the admins daily roles…unhidden would allow mods and bidding users alike to see if the bid they are wanting to make is not a fruitless exercise for an automatic up bid…then bid (with a comment) that the last bidders bid was invalid…waiting for the admins could allow it to spiral by at least 1k bucks based on the last frenzy…again IMO

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All points should be shown, if it is hidden then you should automatically be disqualified from bidding. This is to remain fair to those who choose to actually bid and not try to upbid others just for the sake of running it higher out of someones reach simply because you choose to hide behind false pretense


One way to drain your bucks

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I went half all way in and lost 100’s of bucks for the P2’s last week. What a waste of bucks. :roll_eyes:
Excited to see what will be in for the Auction this time :grinning:


A strike 1 or 3.

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I used 20x60 = 1200 for the P2. What a waste, might as well just do 1 entry a week and forget.

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All I can say is making powerbucks visible puts users at disadvantage… at least I have not bid more than what I had. Anker admin knows what powerbucks we have, thats all that matters. Bloaters will keep bloating … I have seen it happen all the time when I wanted to win auction item.

Not sure if Anker Community bugs / defects are back OR you put a reminder alarm for me to unhide my profile :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: but this message of yours @ndalby keeps coming on top of my unread messages Everytime I login to Anker Community

Think there is a bug going around again, had some random ones myself (for quite old responses) and so has @professor from what he mentioned on PM…

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In my case I only get older notifications from Neil’s older messages.

I done the 3 obvious steps of logout/in, clear browser cache, PM mod and admin, and be patient while admin transition this week.

I only have had these issues on soundcore (and still do). Never had them here.

I take it back. I have gotten a notification for this 3 times now.

I don’t think we will have one soon since we are getting a new community manager