đź‘» Share Your Scariest Story | Win a Mystery Box

What comes to your mind when you hear the word “Halloween”? A jack-o’-lantern, a Halloween costume, toilet roll, a pair of special sunglasses that let you see the aliens walking among us?

Maybe you think about the fun you had going trick or treating as a kid, or the old man whose house you threw eggs at because he didn’t have any haribo to give you.

But for this competition, we don’t want to hear your heart-warming childhood memories of Halloween, we want to hear spine-chilling, blood-curdling, hair-raising stories to give us a true scare.

So if you think you have a terrifying true story to get everyone in the Halloween mood, then let us know in the comments below. Then on October 31st, we’ll choose the two spookiest stories to win a mystery prize worth $100.

Power On!


  • Two winners will win a mystery prize worth $100
  • This event is open to the US, UK, Germany, Canada, France, Italy, and Spain
  • Ends on Oct 31st, 2020
  • Prizes will be shipped on Nov 5th, 2020
  • Winners will be chosen based on originality, the opinion of the admin, and the number of likes your story gets

Winner announcement:
@professor: "A woman with an old-style blue dress"
This story started with horror but ended with a happen ending. It’s so nice to read some stories like this that some ghosts were not purely bad but actually tried to help save people.
We saw similar experiences happened to Tank and eluna33 as well. It’s always relieved to hear that you got helped by “someone” in some extreme situations and turned to be safe in the end.

@gwstarkey.gws: “A tall pale man with a broken bottle in his hand”
That man might be a ghost… might be a living human, who knows. But either way, it is a terrifying story, especially for a 14-year-old boy! Meeting a human in such a situation may be worse than meeting a ghost I guess.

Congrats to our two winners!
It was extremely difficult for us to choose the winners as there were so many good stories. Some of them were very scary and some of them were heartwarming. Thank you again for sharing your story with us. See you at our next story-sharing event!


This happened many years ago.

My wife was soon to give birth to our 2nd child and so I figured I’d get a mountain hike and camp trip during this time of year (Autumn) before become busier as a father.

I hiked up a 3000ft mountain, it went without incidence.

I then descended and decided I’d follow a disused old railway track back to the campsite.

The wind got up, very strong suddenly, I was being pushed left and right by the wind.

Then I saw a woman ahead, she was stood totally still looking straight at me, she was wearing an old style long blue dress. Similar to this.


I thought this very odd given the location and the weather, I asked if she was ok. She remained still looking at me. I worried about her as I was wearing a coat as I felt cold, but she wasn’t.

While I was looking, puzzled by the lady, the location, blank face, clothing, I looked around for others.

I then felt a whack, thud, which made my judder.

In front of me was a large tree branch, just missed me by a couple of feet. My immediate concern was this would have hurt the lady, so I stepped into the branch to help her. She was gone. No signs, no torn clothing or blood.

I don’t know who she was, still don’t, but whoever she was she had saved my life, as if she had not been there I’d have kept walking and been killed under a tree branch.

It gave me the absolute willies, I was shaking and had to sit on the ground, looking at the branch and around for anyone.

Very weird indeed. Years later, my 2nd child is a grown woman now had a father thanks to the very odd woman in a stormy forest years ago.

I broke my leg last month, I was lying on the road for 3 hours, waiting, I did look around for the lady in the blue dress.

I looked into the trees in the distance. But she was not there. I kind of wished she’d made an appearance. I guess this was not worthy of her attention this time. Which probably meant I was going to be perfectly fine. That helped me keep calm.

My advice is if you see a strange looking person in front you, don’t ignore, don’t barge past. Stop and say hello, be kind and pause for a moment, particularly if an elegant lady in an old style blue dress.


Aww man, I’m gonna have to wait until I’m at a computer to type this up.

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Good luck to those entering…can’t recall any scary stories so I’m out on this one (yep leading a boring life :laughing:)


This will be a fun one

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Good luck for those who will take part.

Not me!
I forgot all those stories meanwhile!
No more nightmares! :rofl:


What a fun contest to start the week :+1:

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Oh my that’s one hell of an experience and one that I would be too scared to even remember tbh. My story isn’t as scary and my life wasn’t in danger lol. Btw nice contest @AnkerOfficial. I’ll put my story in the next post so it’s easy to find


That was scary and good to know at the end you were safe @professor :+1:

Another nice contest @AnkerOfficial :clap:

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Ok so this story is about 2 or 3 weeks old and happened at night around 2 or 3 am. I was asleep since about 11:30 or so and ended up waking at that 2 or 3 am. So let me set the room up for you guys. We have 2 beds in the room since I and my sibling share the room and we have a floor lamp opposite to my sibling’s bed like this.


Our room is kinda like this but a little longer vertically


The blue and pink are 2 beds, green blob is lamp, and red is entrance to the room. Next to the lamp is a table with stuff on it.

Ok so let me get back to the story now. I was asleep on that blue bed and woke up at 2 or 3 am because of a noise. It was pretty dark since the blinds were up and there is no street light right by our window (opposite end of entrance) so our room was almost pitch black. As soon as I open my eyes, I see a shadow of someone standing right by the lamp. First I thought it was me being sleepy so opened my eyes wider and saw that it was indeed someone standing there. At first I thought it was my mom trying to get something from the table so my first instinct was to narrow my eyes to make sure my mom doesn’t find out I was awake because it would instantly lead to series of questions like “Why are you up so late? blah blah blah.” I kept seeing the shadow for about 2 minutes when it turned a little and just watched us for about 30-45 seconds. After that, I saw the shadow go out of our room and heard faint footsteps (which is normal for humans).

Next morning, I told this story to my sibling who told my mom about it while I was taking a shower. When I went out to kitchen, my mom asked me to tell the complete story which I did and she said it was neither of my parents. Well if it wasn’t either of my parents or my sibling, who could it be? It for sure wasn’t a robber because all the locks and windows were intact and nothing was stolen considering there are 4 laptops and a TV out in the open. After that night I’m even more scared of dark and sometimes just feel like I’m seeing a shadow but am not since there’s nothing after I focus a little


I was spending the night at a friend’s in college in San Diego. We had gone out that night to a bunch of bars had a good amount to drink and then headed back to their place. She mentioned to me they had had some odd events happen in the living room and weren’t sure why they occurred. Their previous guests complained about things like items moving and strange noises. Knowing my friend I figured it was just some way for her and her roommate to scare me.
I laid on the couch to go to sleep when a small figurine on their mantle fell over. No big deal I assured myself. About a minute later their small grandfather clock started to chime to twelve but it was far past being almost 2:00 AM. I assured myself it was just an electrical problem with the clock itself. At that point is when the weirder stuff started to occur. I started to hear footsteps in the ceiling of the kitchen only about ten feet from where I was sleeping. I got up and went into the kitchen to see what was causing the noise. The noise stopped. I went upstairs to see if my friends were pranking me and when I opened both of their rooms they were both clearly asleep snoring with their lights off. Clearly they had rats or some animal living in the ceiling between floors? I couldn’t see anything but thought nothing of it.
Then I started to hear footsteps IN the kitchen on their hardwood floor with a slight knocking noise. At this point I had had enough and went up to my friends room and woke her up. “I told you” she said then went back to sleep. Needless to say I did not get a lot of sleep there that night and I never went back to visit her again :laughing:


It reminds me of this story. People who know me say I’m very lucky, survived many life threatening encounters, while I’m thinking something is trying very hard to get me.


This is one of those ones that I can recall immediately, even though it took place about 20 years ago. I grew up in Michigan in a suburb north of Detroit. Although it was a heavily populated area, there was still places to explore within a quick drive. All through middle and high school we would hear about people who went to explore an abandoned slaughterhouse that was about 5 miles away from my home. We would always hear about other people going there only to get caught when they were either trying to get inside or when they were leaving as the location was fenced off and the local police department regularly patrolled the area. Being young and dumb, a couple of friends and I decided to take the risk and go exploring one Saturday night.

The night came and we all decided to meet up at a friends house to prepare for our expedition. We dressed in dark clothes, brought flashlights and discussed our exit strategy (where to meet, who was going in whose car, etc) in case someone were to show up. The 5 of us loaded ourselves and our gear up and headed to one of the streets nearby before heading in. We found ourselves a hole in the chain-linked fence that we could all get through and after a lot of talking, decided to head in. The doors were boarded up, but after a little wandering in the dark, we found one that looked like it had been broken open from previous people exploring.

As soon as you stepped foot inside, you felt an eerie tingle on the back of your neck. Be it nerves or something else, we did not want to chicken out as we were all trying to prove to ourselves and one another that we could do it. After turning on our flashlights, we knew that we were in for an experience. The door we had went through was for the front office that looked like it was frozen in time. Papers on desks, chairs still in place, everything looked like everyone just decided one day to stop coming in. Near the rear of the room was a door that lead towards the back slaughterhouse area, complete with warning signs advising proper PPE was needed.

We mustered up all we could and opened the door. A long hallway lead to the back area, with the only light coming from our flashlights. After heading down the hallway, we were finally in the main area. White coats were still hung up ready to use on the wall and although there was no real equipment anymore, you could still she the remains of ones that were gutted long before for parts. Dark stains were all over the floors from what we could only imagine was animal blood, so at this point we were all getting more worked up to what lie ahead.

We moved along in our adventure, checking out the old equipment, break rooms, restrooms, and anything else that we could get into. After exploring the main floor, we opted to head upstairs to see what we could find. Once we made it up the old rickety stairs, we were met with yet another long hallway with rooms lining each side. The rooms were all dark and most were locked, but the ones we could open yielded yet more office areas, presumably the “higher ups” offices. As we all ventured out in two groups, my friend and I turned a corner and saw another set of stairs leading down that was caution taped off. Looking down the stairs we realized why as there was no stairs after the 3rd, with only a long drop to the main floor.

As we realized there was only one way out, we grouped back up to keep heading forward. After turning what seemed to be the last corner on the 2nd floor, we saw a room at the end of the hallway that had light coming from underneath the door. My heart sank immediately, coming to the realization that we could possibly not be alone. My friend had brought his pocket knife (as if it could actually aid us in any way) and pulled it out, all while his eyes told a different story than the bravery he was trying to display.

How could we not see what was inside? We came all this way, we were strong 16 year olds with so much to prove, and no one wanted to be the chicken of the group. After slowly moving forward, with one last deep breath, we said our “1…2…3…GO!”, flinging the door open as quickly as possible, all running in yelling as if our primal sides were showing. In the room was a chair behind a desk with a single coffee cup resting on top and a scrap sheet of paper. Nothing adorned the walls, nothing on the floors, just the one sheet of paper. The light that we had saw was coming from outside the window where it was illuminating what was left of the parking lot. A collective sigh of relief could be heard until we looked at the paper that had nothing more than some scribbles on it, as if a child was learning to draw. Inside the desk was a couple of empty wrappers, empty soda bottles, and a single tin of instant coffee that looked almost brand new. Not needing to become a headline on the news the next day, we quickly retreated back down to the main floor to collect ourselves.

Although it does not stand anymore, we earned our “survived exploring the slaughterhouse” badges and were able to walk into school on Monday proud of what we had done.

These are not my photos, they show what the inside looked like before it was torn down.


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In West Virginia we have a couple of different places that you can say are haunted. We have this old Moundsville prison that is stated to be haunted but the story I am telling is one that is close to where I grew up as a kid.

The scary story is about Mamie Thurman. She was murdered and found on an old mountain road. The story goes that Mamie was a pretty 31 yr old woman who was having an affair and was killed. Two men were charged. One man was not indicted and the other man kept stating he was innocent but went to Moundsville prison anyways.

This story goes that Mamie’s ghost haunts the mountain road, called 22 Mine Road, where her body was found. She is said to be seen at the top of the mountain, and walking along the roadway. But that isn’t all. Legends in the area state that if you park at the bottom of 22 Mine Road and place your car in neutral, it will roll uphill. It is Mamie’s ghostly hands pushing your vehicle.

So about 18 years ago, when me and my wife whom I was dating, we went with her friend and her friends husband to check out legend and to see what would happen. So we arrive at 22 mine road during the night and we turn the car around and park at the bottom of the mountain road. We put the car in neutral and turn off the lights. It is pitch black at the bottom of the road.

We are sitting there for several minutes. We had a good laugh as we did not feel anything “pulling us” and as we turn on the lights it was then that we realized the vehicle had been pulled about a good 15 feet up the hill.

The only reason we knew we moved was there was a stop light that our lights shined on when we turned the lights back on and that stop light not near us when we stopped. The picture included shows where we started and where we were at when we turned our lights on.

Right, I’m from Yorkshire in England but I was on a job down South in Winchester last November. It’s the first time I’ve been to see this customer so I didn’t want to rush my appointment so I booked a hotel to stay over. I was 22 at the time and honestly wanted to cry when it was all happening.

The hotel I had booked looked very old and was basically the old manor house converted into a hotel. It had a massive sweeping drive to get to the main house that seemed to go on for a good 5 minutes. When I got there it was late in the evening (around 8ish) so I checked in, got my room key but went straight to the bar to get a few drinks and some food because I’m starving.

I sat and talked to the guy who was the receptionist and bar man for a while. He asked what my business was for being down here as he could tell I sounded a little different from my accent. I explained it was work and that I’d be heading back up home in the morning. The conversation flowed for 2 hours and before I knew it, I’d had 6 pints; I then knew it was my bedtime. I told the guy goodnight, as did he to me. He explained where in the manor my room was located and how to get there. The room of course ended up being in the attic. Brilliant :confused:

The attic room was very old fashioned and extremely poorly dressed with furniture. There was only a bed, a night stand and a set of draws that occupied this massive space. To be honest I wasn’t too bothered what the room looked like at this point I just wanted to sleep. I get into bed and start to close my eyes when I remember to put my phone on charge. The only socket I could find was next to the existing curly wired landline, on top of the draws, it’ll have to do. I plug the power brick into the wall and notice that the curly wired landline is unplugged from the wall. I plug it back in and head to bed.

In the middle of the night I wake up busting of a wee. I stumble out of bed to find the toilet and end up turning on every light in the room before finding the bathroom light on a string dangling from the ceiling in the most obvious place you would expect it to be. I sat there weeing for what seemed to be an eternity, I’m now wide awake from all the lights and just waiting to get back into bed.

I make my way back to bed, turning off all the lights until just the bedside lamp is left. I’m now sat in bed, just about to turn the last of the lights off when it goes off by it’s self.

There’s nothing but me and the darkness for a good 20 seconds until my mobile phone screen flashes on… and vibrates intermittently as if someone is turning on and off the charger. I try to turn the lamp on but there’s no power. I jump out of bed a little sheepishly to get my vibrating phone to maybe use as a torch.

As I reach to unplug the charger when the curly wired landline starts ringing. The ring was exactly like you would imagine a curly wired landline to sound in the middle of the night.
I answer by saying “hello?”. There’s no answer.
I then follow up with a few more “hellloooooo?” But there’s clearly no one there.

I place the curly wired landline back on its hook to end the call but as soon as it hangs up, the phone start screaming out again for me to answer. My heart drops but yet I am drawn to answer.
I quickly crackle “HELLO, HELLO, HELLO” Getting louder each time.
“HEEELLLLLOOOO, WHO IS IT” I followed it up with all the while not knowing what I would do if I heard anyone.
“PLEASE JUST TALK” I demanded but it probably sounded like a plea.
My heart is now racing while I talk to absolutely no one, in the blackness, on my own, 250 miles away from home.

Finally I slam the phone down which only makes it ring instantly again. I don’t know what to do except yank the wire from the wall. I do so only to be plummeted into a deafening silence. My eyes are darting around the room to catch something… anything. I then see a figure in the attic window facing me. I run across the room to see what it could be, every step its face gets bigger and clearer. I stop 6ft away from the window and realise that it was me.

I slither back to bed and sit up clutching my phone with the torch turned up to max. Do I dare close my eyes? Hell no.

I wake up in morning from my phone asking to be put into battery saver mode. The sun was blaring into the room making the events of last night seem less scary. I chuck yesterday’s clothes back on and don’t even bother brushing my teeth. I wasn’t bothered about my appearance I just wanted to make a disappearance from this attic. I hurried down the stairs to the reception in hopes of speaking to anyone to tell them about my experience. Last night’s receptionist stood there behind the counter as if he had been waiting for me. I couldn’t get my words out fast enough to explain what happened but he almost already knew what I was going to say.

He says the power tends to go off for unannounced periods of time in this room. He also continues to explain that everyone who works in the hotel knows not to plug the curly wired landline back in because when the power goes out someone always tries to ring that room.

Every Hotel I’ve been in since I have made sure to unplug the landline.

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I’ve seen something similar in Australia if I’m not wrong. But not haunted like this if I remember correctly. Turns out the road there was actually downhill but the landscape around made it “feel” like you’re driving uphill :joy:


My parents shared a story about a boy that was haunted by ghosts after urinating in a cemetery, ultimately the boy was possessed by the ghosts that were haunting him (apparently) and the boy ended up chopping all his fingers off.

This makes my Halloween even spookier and I don’t think this is something I will forget. Ever since, I have never peed or spit or disposed of any trash in a cemetery/graveyard when I make those yearly visits.

Happy Halloween, stay safe :ghost:

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LOL This is going up hill.

I will say that the prison was features on one of those ghost hunting shows if I remember my friend telling me about it. I think there is like overnight stays at the jail where you can go and “stay” the night but I have not had the chance to do that yet.

Lol not something for me :joy:. Wouldn’t voluntarily go to a prison at all