👻 Share Your Scariest Story | Win a Mystery Box

So let me tell you about this scary story of someone posting a reply pic on the share your scariest story mystery box contest :rofl: :eyes:

I was a sickly child with bad Asthma, I’d missed many months of school from aged 4.

When I was 7 years old I had my worse asthma attack. I struggled with it for days.


I woke exhausted, I told my mother I had enough and would rather not wake up again. She left me crying.

I must have fallen asleep again as when I woke my Grandfather was sat on the end of my bed, I’d not seen him for weeks and was pleased to see him, when I was well he would take me out on the park. I told him what I’d told mother that I was exhausted and just wanted to stop.

He said to me “you’ll be fine tomorrow”, I believed him and fell asleep.

The next morning I woke feeling really strong. Happy, I bounded out of bed and down the stairs and shouted “Mummy, Daddy, I’m better!”

My mother was crying in the arms of my father. My father told me Grandfather had died last night of a heart attack. I explained that’s impossible as he came to see me, he said I’d be better and I was.

My mother and father looked at me in disbelief, and said I was lying. So I never said it again.


I never had an Asthma attack since and have been strong since.


I really like the illustrations.
A lot of artistic creation. :smile:

You see me here when I did some adjustments on my ASTRO
The kids are waiting as you see! :rofl:


**My dog started running around the house like crazy, I was not sure what was happening. 10 minutes later I got my dog to approach me while I was watching tv, I then looked at him and everything seemed fine except one thing he looked like he had a new toy in his mouse. When I went to take it off him I quickly realised it was a mouse and I nearly had a heart attack by how gruesome it was by the situation, should have named my dog Hunter.

Although I’ve never truly had a ghost make me jump by yelling, “Boo!”, I have felt the presence of the paranormal. And so I will lay it out for you:

** Please note that derealization is an actual disorder and I am in no way poking fun at it and in no way do I intend to offend or belittle someone who may suffer from it. **

Ever since a wee, young lass, I have, some would say unfortunately, always felt the eyes of the unknown boring into me. Every hour of my life I have lived as if being watched, not necessarily by a particular person but always by someone, some being. On some occasion, it would be unmistakably clear as to where these dark beings were hiding. Curiously, when I did have the guts to go investigate, there would be no one there, but always a piece of evidence. For example, an object has unmistakably yet indescribably moved, frigid air is left behind only to warm up within seconds of discovering it, and the latest one, I would hear my name being spoken from that assumed spot as I approached, ever so softly and breathy almost as if someone was saying it as they exhaled. I have heard many times before that it is not uncommon for the dead to haunt their prey for years and years, waiting for some undecipherable but supposedly necessary time to make their cold, quick move. It is also believed that those who experience Deja-vu and derealization more often than the normal person, are really home to a number of demons or demonic substances. I personally experience both of those but not only that; I also have many visions and moments where I feel overcome by another desire to force myself into danger. This happens mostly while driving or when there is clear danger and possibilities of sudden death. Fortunately enough, this only occurs for a couple minutes but I feel as I am holding onto myself by a fraying piece of thin rope. It is possible that the evil spirits want out of me as much as I want them out. I fear the only way is for them to lure me around until my death. Then, at last they will be freed from my body just as my own spirit will be. Maybe I will join them, the dark spirits, watching my prey until the opportune moment to enter has come and then I will devour them from the inside making them crazed until they have had enough and can no longer hold onto themselves. If I do I must leave my bones rotting in the dirt, my eye sockets, now filled with maggots, looking up towards the heavens, my neck and jaw twisted against a cold rock, my legs tangled up and my arms wide open, welcoming the browned dead leaves now falling, soon to cover my empty shell. Any and all evidence of my existence gone.

Way back in the early 2000 I drove across country to move to Washington state. While on my drive out west from Connecticut I was running low on gas, the nearest highway gas station was approximately 40 miles away and I knew I wasnt going to make it that far so I got off the highway in search of a local station. What Should have been a quick detour turned out to be much more.

When I got off the highway I found that it was pitch black outside except for my headlights, there were no street lights or the faint glow of any store signs. I drove through tthe town as it was only 1 direction off the highway, I found that even the houses looked all abandoned with no lights or anything coming from any of them. I must have drove 4 or 5 miles since getting off the highway and didnt see anything gas stations despite the sign saying there was one. I tried to turn around and find my way back to the highway when out of nowhere there where street closed signs up in the direction I had come from so I had no choice but to keep going foward in my original direction. So I turned the car back around and continued to drive, all while noting that I was running out of gas even faster now since I crept through the town because it was pitch black out.
When I finally found a sign that said it would lead me back to the highway I turned down that road. Little did I know I was in for the scare of my life. As I drove down the road it seemed like it got darker and fog rolled in making it hard to see. I heard someone scream and the hairs on the back of my neck immediately stood up, I drove slowly as to not run into anything and thats when I saw her. A woman standing in the middle of the road wearing a wedding dress, I stopped the moment I saw her. She was standing about 30 ft from me and not moving, I rolled down my window and asked if she was ok but she didnt respond. So I got out of the car and walked towards her, I heard some rustling in the woods and looked in that direction and when I looked back the woman was gone. So I shouted hello Ma’am do you need any help? I asked if she was hurt or if there was anything I could do for her. She never responded so I started walking back to my car, at this point it was extremely foggy and hard to see 5 feet in front of me, the noise in the woods grew louder as if its moving in my direction and I wanted to run but I was frozen in fear. This lady came running out of the woods, I screamed loudly, she chuckled and asked if I saw the lady in the wedding dress. I told her I did but she just vanished so I was going to leave, this girl told me not to go back to my car and said thats how she gets you. she said the woman in the dress lures you out and then when your not looking she climbs into the back of your car and when you start driving away she cuts your throat.

at this point I am thoroughly freaked out and frightened, but I ask this lady why she was running from the woods and she said it was to warn me not go back to my car. I asked why she was in the woods to begin with and she didnt respond, she did say look at my car in the back seat. I looked towards my car and sure enough the lady was in the backseat, I go to ask the girl to help me call the authorities but she had vanished too.
I shouted out that it wasnt funny anymore and that im over this, I shout to the lady in the wedding dress in my car to get out. I wak towards the car all the while shouting for her to get out and I didnt see her leave. When I got right to my car nobody was inside it, I didnt waste any time and jumped in and took off as fast as I could. At this point its nearing daylight and the fog was going away, I sped away thoroughly freaked out and couldnt wait until I got back to the main highway. Then I was met with a Ding Ding Ding sound, and forgot I still needed gas and that was car warning me of low gas. As I drove away I looked into my rearview mirror and there she was the woman in the wedding dress, I screamed and she turned from an inocent looking woman into a evil ghost looking woman. Just as she lunged for me I was met with the warmth of the sun rising and the lady was gone again. Almost instantly I saw a gas station and pulled over to get gas.
The gas attendant asked if I was ok and I told him what had happened, he chuckled and said thats why nobody goes out at night. I asked what he meant and he told me to look it up or to ask someone else, I asked why he couldnt tell me and he said if I want to live I would drop it. once my tank was filled up I found the highway and continued on to washington state. When I got there I looked up killer in wedding dress and sure enough there has been countless sightings of woman in wedding dress roaming highways. This particular one was a woman who was ditched on her wedding and went on a killing spree, The girl from the woods was one of her victims who tries to warn people about here.

Ever since then do not stop or try to stray too far from main highways for gas or anything. You never know what ghost you run into.

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Was that me?

As intriguing as the story was, I also was wanting to laugh. Not because of the story as it was pretty creepy, it was due to just seeing random women on the road screaming, and the whole situation and to see someone in my car and then disappear while being almost out of gas. This seemed almost like a horror movie. I was due to I could visualize me saying hey lady get out of my car and then thinking what I would do if she said no. :rofl:

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Yea it was super creepy for sure. I honestly have no idea what I would do if she said no or just didn’t reply :joy:

Dude trust me at the time I’m not even sure I would even have a response either. I honestly was freaked out so much so that it took a while before I told anyone what had happened, to me It seems made up and then come to find out that that actually happened


Honestly feels like a horror movie but glad you’re fine. There have been few incidents similar to this that I’ve heard and others just weird like cars sliding or swerving out of nowhere (at a given location on highway)

I wish I would have seen this sooner!!! I experienced the scariest, never make you want to be alone in your home again moment in St.Cloud, MN. I truly had to have my whole home blessed in a ritualistic manner with Holy Water before I could sleep in it again. Maybe I will get to share next year.

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I’d call that a diesel fuel spill spot. :face_with_head_bandage:

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I wasn’t expecting that thank you @AnkerOfficial I can’t believe I won congrats to @professor on the other Win, allot of the other stories where great :+1:


congrats @professor and @gwstarkey.gws


You had a good story as well

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Thanks @Ankerofficial for selecting me, and to my co-winner @gwstarkey.gws


Congratulations for both well known members.
The next story contest I will write one in German!

(NO more discrimination to non native speakers! :rofl::rofl::rofl:)


Congrats @professor @gwstarkey.gws


A big well done to you both @professor @gwstarkey.gws