👻 Share Your Scariest Story | Win a Mystery Box

Great event!!! Good luck to those entering! :ok_hand:


I should have told the real scary story though. It is called 2 teenage boys and the amount of food they can eat during a day. :rofl:


ive definitley had something like this happen before and my whole family tired to convince me i was still asleep when i thought someone was there.


The Story of the Traveling Cursed Doll

Well, my spooky story comes from a couple of years ago… I was with my brother and a couple of other kids upstate and we were all looking for something to do. My friend had heard of this house nearby in the woods that had been abandoned for a while. Since it was night when this idea was thrown out we all decided to go check in out in the morning. We walked down the road and then up what was barely a path to a little bridge over a small stream. The bridge alone looked like it was going to cave in. We made it up to the house to find it looking as if someone still lived there. There was a car in the driveway area along with an old basketball hoop. We could look into the house through the side door and could still see a bunch of stuff in the house that looked like someone had left in a hurry. Content with our adventure we headed back since there wasn’t much else to do but wander around the house a couple of times and make up stories for why they might have left.

The next year faced with some boredom again we all decided to go again to check it out in the afternoon. We made it to the house only to find out something else had found it since our last visit, a rock had been thrown at one of the front windows. They hadn’t fully shattered it but it was enough for my friend to think he could climb through. He then opened the side door for us so we wouldn’t all have to make the climb to the window. Once inside none of the lights worked and my brother and I were the only ones with flashlights. To make things worse my brother flashlight flickers due to a bad connection. We walked around the house to see what it was like. It was a little creepy that was for sure and the bear poop that we saw had us all a little worried we would come across a bear somewhere. All seemed just the normal creepy until we came into the back room. The house creaked as we walked through it and there was a dark hallway we were all scared to go down. After mustering the courage to do so it led to a single door that was closed compared to all the others that had been open before. We opened the door and inside there was a doll/puppet in the middle of the room sitting on a table with candles and incense all around it. The doll was red with a creepy smile on its face and eyes that stared into your soul. Attached to its arms and legs were little wooden sticks used to control its movements. Somehow the doll was sitting up with nothing supporting it. The wall behind it had a giant map with red pins and red x’s all over it. There was a yearbook open and the page was just full of pictures all the same one girl whose eyes were gigantic. The hairs on all of us stood up and we all knew we should leave. However, my one friend and her brother decided they wanted to take the doll/puppet and the incense with them as we left. We made it back to the door we had come in and all agreed the doll definitely had some weird voodoo. As we were leaving the house we heard a low grumble. With that, we all took off running. We made it to the little bridge which we usually cross one at a time. There was no time to wait for that so a couple of us just tried to jump the gap to get away quicker.

This is where things get even creepier. That night we left the doll in my friend’s bedroom and all went to do other stuff and locked the house as we left. We came back and it was in the kitchen but everyone swears to have not touched it and no one else was even home during the time we dropped it off and came back later. The next morning the doll was outside with again everyone freaking out since no one had moved it since we had gone to sleep. We all agreed it was too creepy like the doll had a mind of its own. By that night the doll had made its way across the camp and to the gate. Everyone in the camp was talking about the doll and everyone swears they didn’t touch it nor see anyone else touch it. It was as if the doll was trying to go back to the creepy house it had come from. The next morning we decide to put the doll back but we couldn’t find it.

The doll was gone.

To this day we have no clue where it has gone and are all pretty sure we have been cursed for taking it from its home.


now that truly is a scary story. I have an older brother and watching how much he can just eat in a day is something else


LOL exactly what happened the next morning. But my sibling supported me after I said I was awake enough to focus better just in case I was seeing the lamp pole in a weird way :joy:

Ahh abandoned house in the woods. Wonder what could go wrong lmao

Oh and dolls to add to the story :joy:. Oh man seriously can’t think of anything wrong :rofl:

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Lol some times I’m scared of how much I can eat. Rare nowadays but happened a couple times when life was normal :joy:

In good news, my scary stories aren’t really.

In bad news, I won’t be winning a mystery box. You all have fun with that though.


And poor father has to pay for it and has to bring some new stuff every day!:rofl:
You made me laugh so much, because I know/knew that!


large appetites are best fed offal

Liver, kidney, heart

And the fattier cuts like belly.


I like these, but are not allowed to prepare. (smell)
But what I like is “Sauere Lunge” Sour lungs.
Have you ever tasted when you were in München?


Probably not, only ate in hotel restaurants.

But I often eat liver and kidney myself, its cheap nutritious and if there’s growing boys then feed them!

This is offered not very often meanwhile
Poor people’s food in the past.
Not “en vogue”.
But we got this when visiting a restaurant at the countryside here.
I liked that so much.
Remembering it was 0.70 Deutschmark with a huge “Knödel” in the pub where I went as a student in the 1970’s.
But this is not a scary story. :rofl:

Oh I have one: You know how as you get older your dreams get more boring, right? Well, a while back I had a dream about going to the bank to make a deposit. Yes, doing that. And I’m a student!

Thanks. Hopefully, there will be some good ones for you to read while you get better.
Stay strong! Hope today is a little better than the day before.


Oh didn’t know what happened but a quick search (thanks to your comment) helped me know. @Daiross hope you feel and get better soon!

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One time a few months back it was dark and raining heavily I was walking my dog in my front yard (I live in a suburban area where the houses are close together, and I live on a busy road) so anyway I was walking my dog in my front yard I saw plenty of cars just wizzing by left and right, I look down at my phone for a few minutes and decide to go inside as I’m walking onto my porch I go to open the front door and the knob wouldn’t turn it was locked ( my mom locks the door behind me so I walk the dogs long enough) so naturally I turn around to go take my dog back out an I noticed no cars where wizzing by on the road then suddenly the street light started to flicker as it normally does before it turns on but it didn’t turn on it just kept flickering, then I look down from the light and onto the road and all I saw in the middle of the road is a tall pale man I have never seen before with a broken bottle in his hand. I thought he was talking to himself but it was like he was choking at the same time, it sounded like he was just repeating the same words over and over in the same raspy voice. Then he stopped talking turned and looked directly at me I wanted to move but I couldn’t I wanted to yell for my mom but I couldn’t all I could do was stare at the tall pale old man through the glass as looked back at me, my blood turned cold the man inched nearer to me with the brown glass bottle grasped firmly in his hand, as the man was stepping onto the curb my small pathetic dog got on it’s hind legs and started to bark at the old man, his bloodshot eyes widened with fear and he dropped the broken bottle and awkwardly ran behind the lamp post I peered out the window and suddenly the light turned back on I tried to see behind the lamp post but he wasn’t there and all that was left was a brown glass bottle and a traumatized 14 year old boy

This story is based of a similar event in my life I just added a few tweaks for suspense

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I bet there will be some good scary stories in this thread :ghost:

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Thank you very much @ktkundy and @Shivam_Shah h :kissing_heart:
Everyone’s appreciation encourages me a lot, you are fantastic people!

Yeeessss @ktkundy !!! From the first story to the last I have enjoyed them and it has given me chills! :scream: I Hope to continue knowing more stories about each one!