[eufy cam] The big "Range Extenders we need!" Survey ;-)

Girls, really?! You all think about how to fix THEIR range issue?! It is not OUR job to modify any networks, to add more and more homebases - even on locations where it should not belong to, to add antennas to the homebase like @Haloweenhamster did (even if its a great job and he likes modding), to think about how we could get our cams connected!



IT IS THEIR PROMISE! (hardware range extender)


Even if it’s very nice to see all your efforts guys, but i want to see efforts from EUFY(!) and REAL solutions from EUFY(!). And currently only a hardware range extender would solve all those problems consistently and permanently.

Sending annoyed and complaining customers(!) who have paid a lot(!) of money a second homebase, is just amateurish patchwork! Common guys! Wer talk about anker, a 500+ million dollar chinese electronics brand owned by Anker Innovations based in Shenzhen, who is not able or skilled enough to release a little hardware box which is just forwarding a signal from A to B!

That SHAME is what we should talk about!?

The survey clearly shows that there IS a huge issue with the eufy cam, which is not fixed or solved at all even after 10 months(!)

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I think the more relevant figure is only 13% don’t need it

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I responded to the survey. Is the solution another homebase? This is interesting! I am most definitely willing to try it if it fixes my issue. Hope it has AI built in as I have the E version

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That maybe why they asked for homebase serial number, so they can give the same type


While 66% would even PAY for a range extender hardware?!
This wouldn’t be anker - they take what they get!

Bro, this would be only an emergency solution and only worth a try if both homebases would be “combined” so the would use the same name/destination/sources and “act” like ONE!

Else we would have TWO homebases in the app and need to split the cams and need to switch between all the homebases … annoying!

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I can see how this would be annoying (switching between two homebases) but if acting in unison then not bad at all. Thanks @yamyam for pointing this out. I just want my camera to work. At this point I am not ready to open up the homebase to install antennas but am willing to try anything that won’t ruin my warranty.


You are welcome, but you need to tell @AnkerSupport and @AnkerOfficial that they need to find a solution how to “merge” those two homebases together so they will act as ONE!

But again … it is a shame(!) that they are not able to deliver their promised(!) range extender hardware. This would be the perfect solution and they even would earn money with it as they won’t give them away for free for sure.


If they cloned the homebase would it appear as one on the app?


Managing multiple homebases is not the solution, hope they act as one at least.



Please tell us contemporary how you will guarantee and confirm that both homebases will act like one and also appear as one in the app! Thanks.

No matter if you clone the ID or MAC adress, we don’t care. The important thing is that they will appear and act like ONE.

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@yamyam Just so you’re aware, they have a national holiday this week 1st Oct-7th so responses will be …slower …

As for the Homebases acting as one, I highly doubt that will occur…one set of cameras to each Homebase…

Seems quite a unnecessary cost for the sake of releasing a range extender to piggy back the communication between the camera and the Homebase :confused:


100% … sending free homebases to complaining users about the horrible and uneccaptaple jokerange of the eufy cam costs them much much more than finally let their chinese engineers work for some days to bring a small hardware range extender to the market. They could even MAKE (even more) MONEY out of their inability (of giving the eufy cam/homebase a good range).

So this all is incomprehensible in several points of view, not only the economic one.

Again and again: We talk about forwarding a signal from A to B - not more not less, this isn’t witchcraft, not even magic and of course not reinventing tires!


@AnkerOfficial @yamyam Is there a way to allow the cameras to alert but not alarm. I was thinking if it could just alert me when motion is triggered and not sound the alarm that would be optimal. Kinda like the eufy doorbell.

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@dicejedi Yes of course, you can setup the cam that ou will ne notified by the app but no alarm is triggered at the homebase and/or cam, sure!

(As my app is in german it would make not much sense to guide you to the app and tell you where to make this setting, but maybe some else can do)

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@yamyam Give it a shot… I can use google to translate for me. I would like to set up my camera to just act as an alert notification without having a siren go off on the camera or homebase


Here you go … check this example:


Many Thanks @yamyam ! I completely missed the bottom buttons… All set!!!


You are welcome bro!


TOP SECRET CONTENT! :bust_in_silhouette:


:warning: Using enormous funds and a large number of secret agents, five of which were killed during the mission, in over a dozen countries over a period of almost 11 months and under the greatest secrecy and mortal danger, I succeeded to make a photograph of the first prototype of the eufy cam range extender in a military strictly guarded underwater bunker in the farthest corner of China!

:warning: WARNING: If you look at the photo, it could happen that you lose your eyesight and the photo will destroy itself after 5 seconds. So be careful!

Open at your own risk!



OK OK … just a little bit theatrical and kidding … Eufy sent me the picture of the eufy cam range extender demo and allowed me to publish it :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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@yamyam Took a bit of a deep swallow then as I started scrolling down before breathing a sigh of relief that you hadn’t posted the photo :cold_sweat: