Display Your Creativity and WIN

I guess I won’t win :man_shrugging:. My flares aren’t doing so well :man_shrugging:. Good luck to everyone else!

His poor flacon. The millennium flacon is the best ship ever.

@Anjou1888 I told you before to not be such a smart arse when people make spelling mistakes.

You make a ton of them yet no one says anything to you, so pack it in and don’t be such a jackass.

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:joy::joy::joy: from far away pouch thingy looks like a piece of :poop:

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Mine battery pack looks kinda boring


That’s just it with you it wasn’t a joke. This is the second time that you’ve done that to Rob.

Either your “jokes” are just plain shite or you’re trying to mask them as “jokes”


If it wasn’t a joke I would have just been like “yo, you spelled falcon wrong”. What I said was clearly a joke

My PowerPort PD 1. Feeling cute, might delete later


:slight_smile: will make a real one tonight and post it here

Haha, wreck my designs :joy:

Why would you delete? It’s very nice :+1:

Lol I was joking. Sometimes girls post pictures of themselves and put that as a caption :sweat_smile: @Anjou1888

I gotta make those edits and tag people because sometimes it doesn’t look like I’m replying to the person I want to

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Love the shoes :kiss:

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Created myself a semi-mobile power rover - dubbed the PowerRoaver. With some build and function intricacies, I felt pics and (linked) video were most appropriate to share my creative custom Anker build. :sunglasses:

Video link showcasing the semi-mobility (cable tethered after all) and phone placement to descend the charging platform and initiate protected charging.


Thanks, I spent far too long looking for the right stuff

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That’s cool, I like how your mechanism sortta locks it down and protects it

Haha. Nice. You should put a motor on it :joy:

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Hmm, I have some small motors I could engage via belt drive… Then I’d definitely need a backstop to keep the phone from sliding out (thought of it but felt unnecessary - still, it could be a nice counterweight for the open position).

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Haha, I day go for it…