Anker Fan Swag | Tell Us What You Want This Time

Would totally enjoy a hat for next year. Since i don’t know what my wife did with my hats. Gives me time to hit the level.

Just registered my vote.
If I ever make level 7 who knows what might be offered then! :smiley:

@Shenoy the problem with hats that have a slide adjustment is that they are never deep enough or big enough for people with big heads. Where as the ones like @Chiquinho posted are more trucker style and are generally deeper and larger all around that will fit big heads

that sounds so pervy :rofl: so sorry

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@Tank whichever way you see it, it is better not to lose the hat (lose the cap in the wind) than the fitting :rofl:

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I lost mine once at the seashore, but it was not a wind it was a storm.
I should have stayed at home better. :rofl:

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haha this is such a nice gesture!

Not so fast!

How long will the poll run?

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Last time the swag contest was for T-Shirt design, ran for 15 days… so may be same duration this time till June 27th or may be until end of June… or till whenever @ankerofficial wants it to run :wink:

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Seems like the tote bags are making a comeback :astonished:


Gotta more active I suppose but it would be awesome to get some swag on the next run

I say we wait and watch a last minute refrigerator magnet come back


Lol that would be funny (hope it doesn’t happens) :joy:


It would be a huge plot twist no one would see coming😂 lens made more of a come back than I thought they would at the start

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In the current situation… With everyone or majority working from home, Mouse pads with gel cushion for wrist would be the best!! I am due for a change :joy:

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That would be nice or maybe one with a wireless charging pad built into it some day in the future

Flask lol looks can be deciving

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There is no need!
I use this trick: :rofl:



If it happens I’ll blame you! :rage:

Jk jk :joy:


Well now I really hope it doesn’t happen… hope I didn’t jinx it :joy: