Anker Fan Swag | Tell Us What You Want This Time

Love this game :))

No sports -> only beer bottles here! :rofl:


Beer in sports bottles :+1:t2:


Love that idea lol

Hope Tote Bags gets finalized for this year. I have lot of sport bottles and if I get another it will go to somebody for sure, but prefer a bag now.

How would you define a “sport bottle”?
Should I “decant” the beer to such one.
Nein Paul, never! :rofl:

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I would love a hat for swag. I would wear that all the time.

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Hats need to be big enough to fit everyone’s head…
And yes I say that because 95% of the hats that are universal don’t fit me

Claro me too!
But not in bed! :rofl:

Such one is always perfect for me!


Must not fit around that thick skull :smirk:.

I personally don’t like the caps with plastic adjuster ones, these wear off easy, and the cap flies during heavy winds :joy:

I like the ones such as below with metal grip,


I own an old (ca 1930) genuine skull (a model for physicians)
My kids were afraid first and they proposed to sell, but i didn’t!

Here in my house its safe, I would not like it would get in “evil hands”. (you know what I mean)

Thats OK of course !
So we got “our model”! :grinning:

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yes, we got the model :slight_smile:

really wished if this Cap could be considered for this year… if not, we can wait for next year :wink:


Here in the US a “thick skull” means a very stubborn person :wink:.


I know Andrew!
My skull here is a small one! :grinning:
Should I take a photo, better not! :wink:

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I’m really digging the hat or shirt idea personally. I voted for a few of the options listed, but hat/shirt is a good call.

Maybe even an Anker Mask since that’s the world we live in now.

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A cap like that would be really neat but I’m a long way off from level 7.

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Thank you :smiley: