Anker Fan Swag | Tell Us What You Want This Time

Looks like I just made the cut :partying_face:

Only you could bring it down :wink:



Great idea Anker. I love swag

Shhhh you cant reveal the trick other wise people will catch on and the secret will be out :rofl:


I must have a @Tank head as the sliders do not fit me that well either.

You know I could always go for an Indian Jones type hat. LOL

The geology of those rocks look Alpine, so southern Austrian / northern Italy?

That whole area used to be under an old Tethys Sea which was shallow and slow to close (western end is current Meditteranean) and lead to a rocks similar to that. Very compressed sandstone (look at the middle one).

It’s only pervy if you make it pervy :laughing:

we all got dity minds because we wouldn’t know what the other person was saying if we didn’t think it ourselves.

@Duane_Lester I could also go for a cowboy hat

Here’s a throwback of when I was younger wearing one, dont laugh yall

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I say it’s time you bring the style back

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Halt, halt!!!


my wife won’t let me buy a cowboy hat, I tried multiple times and she shut me down each time. Probably because the one i want is custom and cost a lot


Buy such a bavarian one!
Would be a sensation if you wear it!

haha I honestly would if I could find one around here

You need to convince Franz to send you an authentic one :joy:

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That looks like a chimney sweep outfit - rough bristles in every direction!

I think that the exact type of hat we need from Anker

We need this for next year Fan Swag! Just for the ladies!

Thank you for Fan Swag.

I’d love an Anker bottle opener. I need it for when I gotta open my beer bottles