Anker Auction House | Anker PowerCore 20000 Redux

How much does stuff normally go for?

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Depends on the item and the bidders desire for it :slight_smile: think the last one ended in the 500-800 regions

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Ugh, so high on the first day… Such a shame. Now it’s not even worth it


I hope that means no one else bids… :smiling_imp:

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I went all in on the powerdraw this week so already spent 400+ bucks.

Will give this a miss - mostly due to the fact ive not got enough to bid :joy:

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Same I’m in that situation aswell… spend 300 last week on the powerdraw and no luck or else would have been winning this auction by now… I get tempted too easily​:joy::joy:

I spent quite a bit in the past two weeks. I went all in on the earbuds last week, and I entered 3 times on the battery this week. I put in one entry for the other 4 items as well. I would have a few hundred more if I hadn’t done that :joy:. I probably won’t win anything either.

I can tell you really want the powercore. Hope you win it man!! :sunglasses:


Is this the top bid?

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Shhhhhhh (yes) (if you upbid you will anger Anjou) :joy:

I bid 1050 :grin:


1060 You will pay for this… :smiling_imp:

Hmmm…how far should I go?

Please no.

What? @Jesse_Hernandez1 's bot is just going to swoop in and beat us at the last minute anyway. you ever played those post number thread competitions? :laughing:


He has a bot? I’m concerned.

Not interested.

Please do not start spreading things about others and calling them bots. Let’s keep things civil

BTW, I bid
1100 :money_with_wings: :money_with_wings:


Awwwww. I guess that means I’m out. I can’t believe this is going so high.

I know Jesse’s not a bot. I was just kidding.

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