Anker Auction House | Anker PowerCore 20000 Redux

What does the redux mean? Does it mean re desighned? Or mean refurbished?

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1010 :moneybag:


You need to bid up in hundred[quote=“elmo41683, post:90, topic:66430, full:true”]
All of it, it’s the fun and thrill of it. Besides I just wanted to rile y’all up with that 100 point jump



How this work? The link send me a page to buy it

You bid on the item with your powerbucks. Highest comment wins at the end of it.

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Ohh where I can buy power bucks?

Saw this auction house thread now, and it is already out of my league :laughing: 1000+

They cannot be purchased, only earned.


Power bucks are hard earned bucks, not like the $$$ money. These are earned by being active on Anker Forum posting, replying to thread, interesting Anker product or similar product thread posting, posting reviews :slight_smile:

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oh thanks but it takes too long to get that amount there are no ways to buy it?

1020 bucks. (Pleas dont bid me up anymore) :joy::wink:


Correct, there is no way to purchase them at all. You can also get them for leveling up as well with your points. for comments and things like that.

Cough cough 1030 Cough

I’ve been angered. 1040

Since I can just bump up without needing the amount, 1090

I’m still in the lead though. :relieved:

Lol I wanna join an auction but don’t have 1000 powerbucks laying around :joy:

Shame one you for trying to make me lose :joy:

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Lol just wanted to troll around a little. Was kinda bored too


Wow, are you chaps trying to set a new record for the most bucks used :laughing: