Weekend activities! (old thread reanimated)

@professor just posted it :joy:


Haha thanks @ikari04warrior @professor
Have saved the link and will check it out, hopefully very soon.
Hoping the new Galaxy range will be available to buy at the end of February.

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My travel laptop is a 10.8" Android with 2K display, it will ingest any kind of power type whether 3 year old Powercore 26800 or a new Essential 20000 PD, so it is very power-outage-friendly. I have in it right now about 300GB of storage so it has an awful lot of offline media.

If Iā€™m bound to a place, like a home, I have Linux laptop, Raspberry Pi, Chromecast, that effectively gives me all the power anyone needs.

In the case of media wars, where they each are vying to get your subscription, I suggest you pool your resources locally with friends/family where there is a trust. Netflix for example to move up to 2 screens is less incremental cost than 1 screen account. Prime can be shared across people (noting they can buy stuff you pay for, hence the need for trust). So what you can do in a collective of multiple people is share two media streaming services across a set of people, the cost per person falls.

In the UK the ā€œfreeā€ TV is a lot of commercials, if you use their apps then you cannot really stop the commercials, you have to find 3 minute chores to do :smirk: but even here you can setup a DVR, record the programs then from a TV/ phone/ tablet just hit the fast-forward on the Ads. So you are always beginning to watch ā€œliveā€ about 20 minutes behind live, and slowly catch-up to live as you skip the last 20 mins of ads in the last hour. If that makes sense.


I used to have Netflix because Samsung gifted me a 1 year subscription when I pre-ordered a phone 2 or 3 years ago. For everything else I always find ways around as to not pay.
Only thing Iā€™d be remotely interested in the Amazon prime. But I can live without here for right now.
And for tv, I have Spectrum cable and yes it has a bunch of commercials. Even their app to watch TV ā€œon the goā€ has 3-minute ads :roll_eyes:


I littered my TV 20 years ago!
I am happy.
Books, music and if there is a film I find it via internet.

I AM OUT of any such commercial game,

I am a Neanderthaler! :rofl::rofl:

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Littered my TV?
Give me images you threw it out of a window - rock n roll style :rofl:

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No no.
No such brutal way.
There was a garbage collection.
So I placed it on the road.
5 minutes later there was a fellow and ask if its working.
If so, he would like to get the remote also!
I gave him, as I forgot to place it on that TV. :rofl::rofl:

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Ah, its great someone made use of it, but not as exciting as throwing it out of the window :rofl:

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Paul, Paul. :rofl::rofl::rofl
I would have to care about the broken pieces on the road.
In those days I lived in a flat in the middle of MĆ¼nchen.
Very dangerous to throw it and sweeping after.!
No Willy to help in those days. :rofl:

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Itā€™s 11.99 Euro here in Ireland.
You could probably save more than half if you signed up via Brazil using a VPN, same as with Netflix and other stuff

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You shouldā€™ve sold it. I have a 55 inch TV, but I mostly use it for my gaming

20 years ago.
And it was already old at those days.
I got it from it from an aunt.
It was a tube TV but it was a colored one! :rofl:

You were the original ā€œcord cutterā€ lol

I am preparing a sugo for tomorrows Pizza.
Stir at low temperature!
Listening to Puccini is not bad!
Makes stirring more emotional. :joy:

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Bit of an easy stay at home weekend this weekā€¦and the start of a bit of testing :slightly_smiling_face:


Stocked up for a weekend of staying indoors, waiting for Dennis The Menace to hit.



Iā€™m hunkering down for a weekend of studying =(
There are 3 major exams coming up for me on Monday and Tuesday.

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Looking out the window here and Dennis is dumping rain on us :sweat_drops::sweat_drops::sweat_drops:

Was at the flea market as usual.
No findings, though fine weather here.

The usual Saturday Pizza was excellent as always.
The more simple you prepare it, the better it goes.
But never forget to take really good olive oil.
But I have told you this already,

No Dennis here tomorrow,
Forecast is about 10C here in MĆ¼nchen.
Now listening to Bach (Interpreted by Maria Joao Pires)


Looks awesome! @ndalby you should upload this on SoundCore Gallery !!