Those colors
Weekend activities! (old thread reanimated)
The colours are certainly more vibrant over the 1st gen model
That’s the only reason I want one lol
But dont forget, sometimes a little break is good to "clear the head.
Listening to good music with an excellent speaker from ANKER/soundcore helps!
Hey everyone, hope you had a great Saturday.
It was a long day for me and my friend Terry.
We drove to Birmingham early for the British Shooting Show.
It was an amazing day of food, working dog shows and guns ranging from kids gel ball guns to 50 calibre sniper rifles.
I think today will be an easy day at home avoiding storm Dennis.
Wherever you are and whatever youre plans are i hope you have a great day.
i was reading about your next friend, called “Dennis”.
Will show up at “The Island” soon.
Keep the dust bins tied!
Regarding those storms I was talking to my neighbor, he has an huge marode (ailing)
tree in his garden.
Larch tree from about 1930.
When the wind was blowing I could see this tree really swinging.
Of course he has an insurance covering any damage on my house.
A certain storm strength is needed, they will pay.
But this is not the real problem.
He got 3 little children and if a rotten branch breaks when the kids a playing in the garden.
A disaster could happen.
But another “green” neighbor told him he will make him troubles when he touches the tree.
May be we should start an operation.
Ladder, saws and the whole problem is pragmatically solved.
The will never find a guilty one.
Hey Franz, I hope you’ve had a great weekend.
Falling branches is the big problem.
Whole trees don’t fall that often, branches more regularly.
Many cars and people have been hit and some don’t survive to tell the story.
In a few days when the whole thing has blown over everyone can get back to normal life and complain about politics and other equally dull stuff
Just saw the mention of Dennis here… Came across an interesting read on skill of pilots landing the A380 at Heathrow during Storm Dennis
I have seen that too.
Good job they made.
Take care of your fingers!
What will he be carving
I know : A wooden tank!
I found a nice “machine” today.
I will take photos tomorrow and let you all guess what is it for.
The lady who sold it of course didn’t know and I told here I will tell here
after having bought it.
(fun )
Thrilling! In know!
By the way fantastic weather here . Ca 16C
I found this video today.
I was a drummer in a band long time ago.
What I like so much
Those both perfect drummers are working together in such a fantastic way .
You like it?
And of course LIVE!
Love this Franz.
I imagined you with long hair drumming in your youth.
Did you say you have some photos? Please share if you do
Here is the little, mysterious, mechanical machine.
Small ( 5 x 2,5 x 3cm)
The string can be moved back and forth.
What is the purpose?
Do the two prongs inside spin?
Yes, if you pull the cord.
Another tip : eccentric!
I think its done kind of joint box?