Weekend activities! (old thread reanimated)

Yeah, it would have been a waste of money since the rain is cleaning the car :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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I get ads for modelo on YT all the time, and anytime I watch cable. Super weird

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And itā€™s done a good job @TechMan :+1:t2:
Hope youā€™ve had a great weekend.

Lol thatā€™s weird. Havenā€™t seen an ad in the longest

:man_shrugging:. I signed up for YT premium (free trial) yesterday, so I donā€™t have any ads at all anymore.

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I donā€™t have ads at allā€¦ anytime , all time :sweat_smile:

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:+1: F the ads

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Hey guys, how much is YouTube Premium in the US?
Ā£11.99 ($15.45) per month for us here in the UK

Cool, hope you like it :+1:

I think itā€™s $11.99. It originally said $14.99 when I signed up, but now it says $11.99 a month :man_shrugging:.

Kind of expensive. No idea if Iā€™ll keep it.

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$12 a month, but I thought you could bundle it with other services, I may be wrong

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It seems too much to get rid of ads and a few box sets.
The ads are annoying, but not that annoying.

$12 just to avoid adsā€¦ now.they have full episode of some shows as ads :rofl:

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Further up the dales its been lots of local flash floods which drained away now and all probably going to be meeting to flood York, as usual.

This is a road not a canal.

Nothing fatal, helped be in a sandbag line to stop one house flooding, helped an older gentleman cross a road, a car had stalled in water, pushed it out. I got somewhat distracted myself and a farmer helped me get out.

Waterproof socks and sandals are your friend but only up to about knee height, above that you risk being pulled under.

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They also have background play, YouTube music, and YouTube originals.

I am almost definitely not going to keep it after the trials. I already have Apple Music which works well.

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Some are annoying adsā€¦ and no options to skip :pensive: ā€¦ they are literally forcing everyone to go premiumā€¦ I feel they will have some new tier called VIP and start inducing ads on Youtube Premium

Iā€™m a Spotify man.
I think if YouTube built their content up considerably it might be worth a shot.
I get fed up with having to subscribe for everything, but i guess itā€™s the world we live in now.

Once you get your Samsung phone, I can hook you up with a special YouTube version :+1:
Same goes for Spotify


Oohhhh, thanks @ikari04warrior Iā€™ll message you re that :+1:t2:

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I use this a lot

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