Weekend activities! (old thread reanimated)

Only if it contains alcohol :beer::rofl::beer:

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Shhht -> light

You drink only two.
but there are 4 at the loo! :rofl::rofl:

It rhymes I am a poet!!!

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What do you drink?

Haha, the story about the loo, is all so true.

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Nice to know :+1:

ust being curious, do they have one called Modelo?


Never seen that one @ikari04warrior

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Spanish? America do sul?
I got my own stuff here (created with Gimp :slight_smile: )
(Franziskaner Weißbier)

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All this talk about beer, I think it’s time to have one.
Cheers everyone.


We are back on beer talk as usual.
But its some kind of psychological support.
All here waiting for the storm.
But the storm could “roll in the barrel as well” :rofl::rofl:

There are many things could be found after a stormy night after a storm at the coast.

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Maybe the storm is heading your way now.
Things are clearing up here, still windy, but the sky is turning blue.

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Barbecue outside and some of the light ones!

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Have one for me bro :+1:

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So far, it’s been heavy rain, sunny, heavy rain, sunny…only thing consistent has been the heavy wind…time for a nice glass of red with dinner me thinks :grin:


Red wine! Perfect Neil.
Enjoy it!

What kind of dinner?
Hope you are not in my “Schweinsbraten mit Knödel” suggestion! :joy:

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Nope, keeping it simple and having Italian…bit of pasta, sauce and herb bread :yum:


I know how to prepare a perfect sugo!
Good appetite!

Here is the music for you:

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You guys have put me to shame.
Quick and easy meal for me tonight, from my second walk to the shops today.

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Sorry I can not resist!

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I don’t know the song, but I love the YouTube video :+1:t2:
Matches my meal well :rofl:

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There are many songs from my nobody knows,
But all stored.
Thats so great!

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