Weekend activities! (old thread reanimated)

We have such wheelie bins (new word for me) :wink:
All stored in a little house.

Often the problems are old trees.
If there is such one on your property and its loosing a rotten branch
and there is some damage for neighbors, it could lead to severe problems.
We have two different insurances ā€œprivate liability insuranceā€ and the same for the house and the property.
The last one covers those cases of damage (BUT for others only, not yours)
If there is a damage on your own things you need another one.:
Called ā€œBuilding insuranceā€.
This covers damages caused by : storm, fire, heavy rain, snow, inundation etc.
on your own things.

You see : Buy shares from insurance companies! :rofl:

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A very fine morning to your Franz.
Here we buy ā€œhome insuranceā€ which covers the building, contents, accidental damage and public liability.
Its quite cheap but you have to compare the different ā€œinsurance banditsā€ as some are quite expensive and some have offers for new customers.

I wish some of our neighbours would put their bins away because when the winds come so does armaggedon :persevere:
This really annoys me.

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The bins need to be filled with garbage! :rofl::rofl::rofl:

I know this problems.
Many things flying around, if there is stormy weather.
But you are much more familiar with such strong winds, not we here.

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Seems people need to do a better job with strapping down trampolines :roll_eyes::face_with_monocle:

Canā€™t legislate for stupidity

Unfortunatly the garbage has blown away
The grey bins are for recycling (glass, paper and plastic) the green bins are for other household waste.
I have been inspired by @professor great preparation for storm conditions.
I have been to the local shop to buy supplies :sunglasses:


Top tip:

  • if you put that beer in the fridge, it will make your food stay cold longer if power goes out.
  • if you fill your fridge so thereā€™s mostly beer, with some food, affords max benefit.

The power rarely goes out in the UK, but that is because normally storms hit an area only a few tens of miles across, so all the repair crews from a region can act in parallel to resume power in a few hours. This storm is the size of the UK, larger, so probably as many outages per unit area but more area equals more outages and the crews canā€™t travel that far to fix so each outage will on average last longer.

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Only have space for a few bottle.
Must make more space, the water has to go :grin:

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Cold beer is NOT GOOD for any stomach.
Cold beer has no taste.
You could drink p*ss" if its cold.
There are too many who add ice cubes to the beer and even to red wine.
A sin for the taste and for the stomach,
Temperature for beer should be a little bit lower in summer of course.
Beer from the basement is perfect.

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Ropes Paul, or use ANKER cables to tie. :smile:

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Its just cheap lager, lager best served cool.
Nice beer/ale i would drink just chilled, maybe 20 minutes in the fridge as i donā€™t have a cool basement. :+1:

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Ahh well then you only drink it therefore after the power is out, it warms up slowly, keeping food cold and you drink the beer last?

Remember : Our brain needs a lot of blood.
When drinking ice cold beverages, the system tries to warm it in our stomach.
Quite a lot of blood goes to the stomach, less in the brain!
What happens? :rofl:

Humans are no heat exchangers in the classical way

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Hitting hard now guys, horizontal rain!
Glad i didnā€™t clean the car this weekend!

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Lash the car Paul.
Good luck my friend!.
Sunshine and about 14C here in MĆ¼nchen.
But it will come in the night.

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Itā€™s a company car, if it gets blown away I can work from home tomorrow :+1:t2:
Glad you have better weather for now.

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Would like to send you a better beer than that light stuff you have stored already.
Strong storms need strong beers! :rofl:

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I like that.
If it wasnā€™t so wet i would go back to the shops :+1:

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Nothing wrong with a cold Coors light.
Iā€™m surprised they have it over there lol

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Itā€™s reasonably popular @ikari04warrior
In fact 2 of our 4 local pubs also have it on draught.

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The Tommies take everything they can get. :rofl::rofl::rofl: