Weekend activities! (old thread reanimated)

Beautiful picture :+1:

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Thanks @ikari04warrior
Hope you had/having an awesome day.

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We are currently getting a bit of snow now lol


:snowman_with_snow::snowflake: I’m jealous :snowflake::snowman_with_snow:


Lol your kid would love. Still coming down but it probably won’t stick

Nice pics @paulstevenewing

It’s a lazy day for us
 just had our brunch and a slow start


Thanks @Shenoy
Can’t beat a lazy day sometimes.
The other half is out tonight so that continues my lazy day.
Few beers and appall asleep in front of the TV.
Enjoy your day.

Storm Ciara is bearing down tomorrow on UK. It is not it’s windspeed or rain which is an issue, it is the fact it is so big, the geographic impact will be broad. That means a finite capacity to repair systems (power, transport) will be spread thin so the average repair time will be higher.


  • Powercore all charged
  • Bolder LC40/90/130 all charged
  • hours of boxsets downloaded
  • wait our turn without complaint, in no hurry means those who are in a hurry get priority.
  • bins sealed and securied so no blowing down the street
  • gas heaters turned off so their pilot lights blown out won’t gas us as we sleep

Might want to get some water bottles in case a of water line breaks because of a fallen tree or something.

There is a storm announced here for some parts of Germany.
No fears.
Those forecasts are mostly more for “headlines” only.


“Monster Sturm” bad choice of words as usual in journalism.

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Looks like it could hit big @professor

Think I’ll plan a lazy day for tomorrow until it all blows over.

A few local outdoor attractions have already announced they will be closed (mainly the ones with wooded areas)
Some reports say we could get a month’s rain in a day.
We are further south (Norfolk) and doesn’t look like we will be hit as hard as some.

Wherever you’re located, keep safe :+1:t2:

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Some of these dramatised reports are crazy.

I like the ones where they say “we could get huge rainfall” and “this could be the worst storm in history”.

Inevitably nothing happens, but it makes good headlines.

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Yes indeed, but thats journalism.
Creating headlines, the rest is without of content.
Of course it might be more dangerous at the shores.

You all should stay at home.

Preparing a meal?
If you need a recipe for “Schweinsbraten mit Knödel”
let me know.

The roasted pork is easy but these “Knödel” (bred balls) are tricky. :joy:

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I am in a continual preparedness for a few days of things not working well, physically it is not difficult. In winter it is easier than summer as water is heavy

I then ignore the doom merchants, usually tabloid who want your eyeballs to then sell you something from advertisers. Where’s there is fear, helped by ignorance, there is profit.

At least storm Ciara is on a Sunday, so fewer people are ignoring their inate senses and bullying through to work.

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It’s winter so don’t need much water, but yes, filled the kettle and some water bottles, and the kitchen sink to be for flushing toilet. The chances of anything major is tiny but if it does happen probably down for a day+

The UK is different to you in US, the water is mostly below ground so water is not disrupted, BUT the water is pumped continually needing electricity, not like many in US who use water towers so gravity handles short power outages. The UK keeps most of electrical cables underground so its only big major storm bring the the national grid down, not the odd fallen tree.

The most common UK problem is sheer human stupidity, people driving in conditions which makes emergency services do more work than they should.

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That looks yummy

It tastes better than it looks.
Of course you can buy those “Knödel” already ready prepared.
But home and handmade are the best!

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Guys stay safe through the storm! Stay home !

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The only thing I have to do after those storms
is collecting the things from our neighbor kids blown into our garden.


Same here.
Oh, and also going outside making sure everyone has their correct wheelie bins!

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