Weekend activities! (old thread reanimated)

That’s a little too modern for you? I wash little and often, this year we had lots of visitors and I took my turn at the sink.

I would, but Mrs. Franz has another opinion about that.
And you know…:laughing:

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Seems I am the last one here! :laughing:
I know the fate of us Neanderthals.
So I dont mind.
I am sure you all are busy preparing things for New Years Eve!
Weather is great here now 12C.
So what I will do?
I will sweep my chimney!
Good I am free from giddiness.
We will see us tomorrow.
After the party.
Stay save and “clean” :rofl:


Lucky you, 40 to the minus here… Celsius…

No sweeping for me, hunkered in and looking forward to warmer days. Maybe 2022 will see closer to -10C…

Cheers and hoping everybody a safe, happy and prosperous new year!


Whow -40C!
Of course no sweeping.
And I hope you’re not “weeping” when you had to go outside. :joy:

Stay home and stay warm. :smiley:
You could listen to the concert I suggested at soundcore forum.

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Wow and I thought it was starting to get cold by me crazy how cold it is by @TheSnarkyOne. I’m Supposed to get snow today I believe but we shall see if it really ends up happening. So far just cold windy and cloudy


Crazy weather here in München.
Tomorrow will be 14C Wednesday 3C.
Our friend @TheSnarkyOne really is the toughest!
Incredible temperatures in his region in Canada.

PS: I saw some snowdrops in the garden.
Hope they will not be ruined by the snow.


Oh wow I hope you stay warm and your snowdrops stay safe.
Snow does have its own beauty as well some times.
The weather has just been crazy everywhere it seems on top of still being stuck in a pandemic. Hope all is well by you


We are spoiled here in Southern California. When it’s 55-58F (12-14C) we are freezing (we do NOT run a heater at all in the house). In the summer, it is hellishly hot but we only run a single room air conditioner for the sleeping and “escape from the heat” quarters. The house was built just before drywall started being used so the interior walls are plaster which does help immensely in the summer to keep the house cool. In the winter, the house retains the cold it collects at night and doesn’t heat up much at all.

Best wishes for all here!


I know about that dry wall constructions
Here those are mostly used inside the house for
none load bearing walls.

There those plasterboard are mostly used


But what about the exterior walls?
I know houses in the USA are built mostly from wood and not of bricks.

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Hope everyone is doing well this Tuesday, just got my grades for the semester that just passed and managed to pull out all A’s pretty exciting for me. One more semester to go. Thanks to all who had wished me well throughout the semester.


I and all others here, we knew you will make it Kaitlyn! :clap::clap::clap:

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All A’s is a great accomplishment! Congratulations to you!

I did pretty poorly in high school (my highest schooling)…I missed graduating by just a few credits as I recall. I don’t learn well by being “taught”…rather, I learn best by doing and experiencing as well as trial and error. I have taught myself in the computer field beginning in 1979-1980 with Apple and Atari computers. Within the last 20 years, have also taught myself AutoCAD as well as maintaining/repairing CNC machinery. I think I’ve done pretty well in that regard.

Congrats again! :tada:


Depending on when and where the house was built, it could very well be brick. However, California has strict earthquake standards and requires building to be retrofitted (if brick) to comply with earthquake standards. All the houses I have lived in have been wood and plaster. Exterior walls are plaster/stucco.

I will mention though that having interior plaster walls makes it difficult to maintain a good cellular signal…it’s like being in a concrete box as far as cellular signals go. We either have to go to the second story of the house where there are windows facing the street or go outside…at the minimum, we at need to be near a window or a direct line of sight to one; even then, the call could drop at random. One of the common things to see on the street (the whole development was built in the same way unless someone specifically had the interior walls switched out to drywall) is people going outside to talk on the phone since it’s very common for calls to drop when indoors

A blessing in one way, a curse in another.

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Thanks, I agree school isn’t for everyone. I definitely want to do more with AutoCAD, I took an intro class for it my freshman yeah and we use it now in one of my classes for designing our final projects but it is pretty powerful and I know there is still a lot for me to learn about how it works. I think being able to learn things whether in school or on your own through trial and error is important regardless. Hope life is treating you well! :slightly_smiling_face:

Well-done Kaitlyn.
Your hard work paid off :raised_hands:t2:

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thanks it definitely was a tricky semester for sure between the course topics and the pandemic.


Today is Epiphany (Holy Three Kings)
Its a holiday here in Bavaria (mostly catholic people) and in other catholic countries as well.
Many use this Thursday and are adding the Friday tomorrow to have a long weekend.
To bad now these restrictions here and in Austria as well.

Otherwise it would be good to go skiing in the mountains.
Good temperatures : 0/1C and snow falls.
Not me I don’t take the risk to break a leg! :smile:

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Definitely not worth a broken leg (or otherwise)

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There is a saying

“Wenn es dem Esel zu gut geht, geht er auf das Eis tanzen”.

When the donkey is doing too well, it goes dancing on the ice.
(Martin Luther)