“We will notify the winners via email after April 15th.”
Website Improvement Suggestions | WIN PowerWave Wireless Charger
This Would be a nice birthday present for me since my birthday is April 16
I just got a bunch of notifications from the past month. Although seeing the new post can be tricky.
Anyone else noticing this?
Been busy for a few days so not been here. Come here this morning, loads of old notifications so guesses the forum had been tweaked somewhere.
No, when clicking a post to see unread posts it takes me to the top of the thread rather than to the first unread message. It’s kinda doing my head in
It looks like more forum work is being done as I received older notifications (mostly @ replies) this morning as well.
Same here, several PM’s & @ notifications this morning. Probably just the finishing touches on the upgrade…
Yeah I just got notifications for stuff that happened days ago. I hope ya fixed soon.
I mostly got “system” notifications of links to images over last ~ week. Clicked on mark as read.
Yes! I think the notifications have finally be fixed. Now just a few more tweaks with the design, interface, functionality, and hopefully loading times.
Does this mean we’ll start getting email notifications soon?
I see the month and time have been added to the comments. This should make it easier when those contest with the 1-10 winners. More accurate time
I love the time stamp now, no more newbies resurrecting 3 year old threads thinking they can enter a contest
I must admit, I laughed at the people trying to join the christmas comp.
I get a kick out of it too, but it gets old fast
Ohhhh me too. I should head over to read the newest entries. XD
Cracking down like Chuck Norris
I’m logged in to Anker.com and go to the Community page. I see my profile photo up top with several notifications. I go to said notifications and I can’t reply. Your site says you have to logged in to reply. I refresh the page and it shows that im logged out. I have to log in again. Happens every time I visit the site.
I’ve posted this complaint on a separate thread fut figured I’d mention it here.
I prefer it low down the page
cos the faithful who check the whole page see it, instead of some vagrent, who happened across the page getting in on the act and reducing my chances (although my chances haven’t been good yet!).
On mobile, I definitely think it should stay at the bottom, but it looks like it’s at the top on desktop/middle ground viewers where there is enough room for two columns!
Did anyone win anything here?