We Love Testing | Upcoming Testing Events

There are 2 Tech-Mans (rather 3 :rofl: ) … Tester selected is is @Tech_Man image

and our Andrew is (there are 2 )
@TechMan image
@Techman image


Congrats on all the selected testers! Looking forward for your reviews.

Congratulations to all especially @ktkundy and @paulstevenewing! Hope you guys have fun testing these!

Also @AnkerOfficial good news that! A little more clarification about the extension would be better :smile:


It wasn’t me this time :innocent:. I didn’t apply, because I don’t have time to test this the way it should be tested right now :cry:.

I would have loved to try it though :grin:

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Thanks for posting this using the @ because when you first posted and I looked at it I didn’t see my own name :joy::joy::joy: and then you posted this one and I was like oh let me look again

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How are you doing @Techman long time no see :blush:

Doing pretty good. Surprised you haven’t seen me since I’ve been on most days :joy:.

I honestly don’t think I’ve seen you as much as normal if that makes sense. It’s also probably timing because I’ve been on at weird times cause of school

Excited! Thanks yall!

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Thanks @Shivam_Shah appreciate that mate.
@ktkundy you’re welcome :sunglasses:

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Jesus that blew up fast hasn’t been a day yet and both over 200…

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Wow so many people have entered

Congrats @ktkundy and @paulstevenewing
Looking forward to your reviews


Thanks I hope I can make it a great one since it’s my first time getting picked for one of these testing things


I was picked for my first time in the last testing event, I was nervous about posting the wrong information but I took my time and gave my honest review and I think it turned out good.
You’ll do great :+1:

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Should we just create a first timers club? :joy:

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Just add the word “testing” to the club so there are not confusions with any other “first times” :joy:


True that :joy:

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Congrats to all the winners! Dang, that little bit of advertising already pretty much doubled the applicants in a single day for round 2 of testing :rofl: Can’t wait to see the results of those selected. I have been interested in these two items.


I was dissapointed when I saw I missed out on entering for the PowerHouse II 400 testing, but now I am excited to see a second chance :slight_smile:
Good luck everyone!

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