We Love Testing | Upcoming Testing Events

Well done @proff @meiscollinj @parterburn @Shanon_Yu @oberbula @arushan12 @Bennett_Fisher @crastination and a forum friend of mine @ktkundy

I hope you all enjoy testing the PowerCore Wireless and look forward to seeing your reviews.

And thanks for @AnkerOfficial for another great testing opportunity.

Have a great day.


Very special congratulation to @ktkundy and @paulstevenewing :smile: and of course to the others as well.


Thanks Franz.
I’m so excited to be testing this. As a portable PowerCore goes, this ticks all the boxes for me and hope I will do the product justice in my review - providing it meets my expectations of course!

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:tada:Breaking news :tada::

We are EXTENDING the testing program for PowerHouse II 400 and PowerCore III 10K Wireless!
Our team decided to do another testing program for these two products!


Seems like PowerHouse team and PowerCore team do love our testing club :smirk: They said there are too many good testing plans to choose, so they feel like they should offer few more pieces to our applicants.

I’m really happy you guys get another chance for the testings :laughing:


@AnkerOfficial Where do I sign up? I wanna participate in the powerhouse testing. We lose power far too many times during hurricane season and when it storms trees knock out power left and right.

As it is now half of the road I live on is closed due to it caving in during the storm last week. I feel.bad for the people that live where it caved in because it took half their driveway too. They are essentially stuck on their property

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What an amazing opportunity to get more users onboard new products.

Good luck everyone!

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:wink: You can apply it on testing program page.

Done, Thank you!!

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Congrats to the chosen testers (some good previous reviewers) and good luck to those dipping their toes in the water for the extended testing opportunity :+1:

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Sweet! I’m so excited!

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Awesome! I’m excited to apply — missed my chance last round!

Im stiil in the review for the ASTRO.
But I started to write something about.
Next week we got painters here, so there is so much to do!!!

If we already applied to the last one and didn’t get in, do we need to reapply to be considered again this time around?

Just verifying because the new ones show only the new applicants, and don’t start at 140.

Thank you thank you! I’m so excited this is my first time being picked for testing!

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Congratulations to all the testers selected!!

Shout out to @Tech_Man (Powerhouse) and @paulstevenewing @ktkundy (Wireless Charger) :+1::raised_hands:


Awesome news… And i like the term “Breaking” :sunglasses:… Watching news on TV… It too had a breaking news… But Anker News was a better one…

Heading to testing page :crossed_fingers::+1:

I I forgot @TechMan (Andrew) , really sorry my friend.
I know you will “power” such a lot of things! :joy:

Good known family members have been selected!

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As far I know there is only an US model available I will keep to my hamster&wheel project :rofl:

Wow, thanks @AnkerOfficial for the second chance!!!