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This can happen, some kind of greediness.
But we will not be so severe. :wink:

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In this case it’s a mix of an inactive member applying without due care, and Anker’s fault as the tester openly said they didn’t have a Macbook. But in general either the tester has lied and not found out, or had an inadequate test plan e.g. in this case “I will test on my MBP 2107 model” , and Anker didn’t qualify out.

Put the boot on the other foot, if you were Anker, had to read 99 test plans, would you be error free?

What if say those who community members had NOT applied were asked to double check the test plan?


Its certainly a tough one @professor

Although if Anker are asking people to write a testing plan they should be reviewed.
I’m not sure if asking for our help to proof read would be the right thing to do, although i would find it great fun. We all have our own testing methods and i think we would be biased to that.

If the Testing Club events continue to attract lots of entries maybe Anker should outsource their marketing promotions for the Testing Club and step it up and gear.
Maybe initial screening - you set up a profile, what you like, what you want to test, what other tech you have and register your social media accounts etc etc.
Then as Testing Club events come up, those that profiles fit automatically gets added, and for those that don’t and want to enter they can supply supporting evidence they would be a suitable candidate?
Maybe shortlisting “x” amount of reviews which are then sent to Anker for a final decision?

This may make things appear fairer for those that enter but rarely get picked and maybe reduce the quick couple of paragraph write ups and a hastily took photo.


There are other examples of error by Anker not in the public which do point to inadequate vetting, a 2nd or 3rd pair of eyes is usually what I’d use if there’s is a heap of work, nobody is perfect, and having to check 99 or even 918 testers will trip anyone up, so why just add a fresh pair of 2nd eyes, peer reviewed we usually call it.

One way to keep error down is pick regular community members, but exclusively as it then becomes an echo chamber.


I tried first steps for the NEBULA ASTRO test.
Found some cons.
Will publish those of course!

Now I need a cable HDMI -> HDMI (male)

(Will ask my neighbors . Buying one is waste!)
I , and you all got sacks of cables stored. But if you need a special one -> NOT available) :smiley:


If you were local i would post you an HDMI cable, i have loads!

:sweat_smile: I would test an Anker HDMI Cable! … :thinking: Say, when will TVs go USB-C?

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What issue you are you facing???

I think they get disqualified completely (for life) not just a 1 year ban

I don’t think @professor meant it as “grading” each testing plan but rather pointing out what they are missing. In terms of vital information such as what they would test the product on (for hubs, etc) or any kind of product they can compare against (for audio products maybe)

Look at these STUDS! Congrats!

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Not once, but FIVE times they spelled my username wrong :rofl:

Serious though, congrats, that’s pretty awesome. I really wanted to test this out for my kids. Can’t wait to see the reviews on this :slight_smile:


It’s fairly simple, I think. Have 1 qualifying question as part of the application process. For example, for the Mac USB hub, the question would be, “Do you own a 2016 or newer Macbook Pro, or 2018 or newer Macbook Air?” For a lightning cable, the question can be, “Do you own an iPhone or an iPad that uses a lightning port?” For a Soundcore Flare 2, ask, “Do you own a device that can stream music through bluetooth, such as an Android phone, an iPhone, a bluetooth MP3 player, or another bluetooth device?”

It may seem redundant on some of these listings, but seems like many are not thoroughly reading the descriptions. The USB hub Testing page clearly says in the description: “The Ultra-Compact Media, Data, and Charging Hub for MacBook”! And I guess some didn’t bother to read that.


Meanwhile I put the little Astro “Knödel”
(I call it “Knödel”, because its a Knödel :joy:)
at a place which makes it to a real object.to look at.

Its a god design, NEBULA. :smile:


I have questions…lol

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You found a nice spot for it :+1:

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Hahaha :laughing::+1:

I am in art and design since many years, I know what is really a good design.

You should take a look at my my homemade “Semmelknoedel” those are perfect as well! :rofl:

Too bad you’re not closer… I would gladly exchange an HDMI cable for a beer! :joy:


Thanks for your offer!
It would be so fine we could have a beer together here in München!

I found a cable : HDMI to HDMI mini.
Now I need to find a laptop with that HDMI mini. :laughing:
My old one T410S doesnt but my daughter got a newer one.