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Pretty sure giveaways are for the new comers :joy:
Idk though they did have a lot of testers that didn’t put a real “review” so… :man_shrugging:

I was just about to post on the Astro thread about the number of applicants compared to the Powerstrip. It is probably because @professor @shivam_shah didn’t provide test plans upfront to people :stuck_out_tongue:


:joy::joy: wonder how many actually used some variant of our “testing plan”

Ok here’s my Astro test plan.

I plan of finely chopping the Astro and slowly frying in butter until golden. Then I plan on drizzling some chocolate sauce. I’ll report back how well it sticks to the wall. I’ll throw it from 1ft and then 20ft.

I’ll take photos of it served with potatoes.


Interesting approach, @professor! I was going to start with a drop test off of my roof :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


@AnkerOfficial, what are your thoughts on a test that involves first pitch at a game with a similarly named team? :sweat_smile:

The cleanup would be a real pain though. Shattered electronics over the whole infield.

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True, but it would be a sight to behold :sweat_smile:

The count is getting up there 252 , you are probably in the sweet spot for number of applicants.

Apparently they not got enough applications, email arrived asking for more.


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There goes the odds. I don’t think they liked your testing plan @professor. They want something more original.


Cover in strawberry sauce? Throw it from 100ft?

I plan of finely chopping the Astro and slowly frying in butter until golden. Then I plan on drizzling half in chocolate sauce, half in strawberry sauce, I’ll report back how well it sticks to the wall. I’ll throw it from 1ft, 20ft and 100ft and take photos of the results.

I’ll take photos with potatoes and broccoli

If that doesn’t get someone selected, I’m baffled.

If that doesn’t get you a selection, the community can start a gofundme to see it. We only need 300 people to donate $1.

Too bad Canada isn’t available to test for this one… nudge nudge wink wink…

Right @Ice1?


Between this and the treasure hunt, will have an enormous amount of new members joining.

There you go, a gofundme page for community members to test items haha! :clap:

While this is awesome, and I applied to test because its something my kids would love, why don’t they use the Power User system to let people test the products? Maybe they do, but I have never been contacted, so I have no idea.

its hit the magic number 600 :slight_smile:

With 6 days to go… may be hit 1000!!


Oh man it just went on a roll. See what you all did, are you happy! :slight_smile:


Hate to bug ya @ankerofficial but could you guys process my review for the PowerExtend when you get a chance? I really want to put my hat in the ring for the Nebula Astro :grin:

Wait seriously?? It was at around 300 when I went to sleep last night and probably right around there today morning when I briefly checked it.

[quote=“chrisjwaggoner, post:1451, topic:70395”]
Between this and the treasure hunt, will have an enormous amount of new members joining.

Lol just look at how many new replied that treasure hunt page has in less than 24 hrs :joy:

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