[Upcoming Release] Liberty Neo 2!

Strange! Thank you for letting us know.

It could be that they were restocked on amazon beginning of the month cause these were sold out on amazon for a few days when they had the sale last month. I was eyeing them for a few days while it was sold out and noticed the change so I started digging info to see if it was updated or not, the lighting deal happened to happen and I picked it up for $34.

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I don’t have Neo 1 to compare to but remember Liberty Air (how I didn’t like the sound of it and Anker gave me a second version of it to try).
Neo 2 are great (I cannot say more than that :face_with_hand_over_mouth:)

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Yes, they are the Neo 2.

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Superb, I have the first gen as well as another set of Anker earbuds, I use the first gen of these daily when I run for 2 hours in the mornings.

Looking forward to these.

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My apologies, they have already been released!