Thoughts on new iPhone coming out?

What?!?!? I pre order those AirPods and got them in may and now I gotta buy more? @joshuad11 I rarely take photos so for me $300 is not worth it for a screen in November, I’d rather put $300 towards AIrpods or watch 3.

Oh my god…:joy:

@AnkerOfficial will we see a USB-C to Lightning cable? I am more loyal to you guys for cables!:blush::blush:

Im the same with you, but I using iphone 5.

They might offer the option to buy the wireless charging case separate when it is eventually released but based on it being Apple, it’s probably a way to shoe horn users into buying again :grin:

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For me, it’s worth it for the all-screen design. Too cool! The X also has 2 hours longer battery life than the 8, so less of a need for fast charging.

do you have to remove all cases for wireless charging to work? Are there cases that work with wireless charging? I’m not just talking Iphone since we dont know, im talking any wireless charging phone

:joy::joy: So true :joy:

I think you can use silicone plastic cover, the important thing is that they are not of metal.


I am vaguely reminded of the palm pre with their webos ui…funny how apple comes full circle in previous used technology and highlights it as “innovative”
Personally I am beyond underwhelmed by the news of any of the new phones. I mean I knew going into the event what to expect, but maybe just maybe I was hoping for more and something truly innovative here.

I checked some of the official Apple cases on their website and their description states that they can be left on during wireless charging.

EDIT: Also found this image on the new Karapax case on Amazon:


I think most of the innovation comes down to the TrueDepth cameras… some pretty cool tech in there crammed into a tiny notch!

Eh so I give it to apple to be one of the first to bring true depth cameras to the market but it has been out for a while, Sony has demoed it for their experia line of phones and Qualcomm also had this developed since last year

2 hours longer on screen time than iphone 7, not 8

you see what they did there? Not only does apple never reveal their mAH of their batteries, but they compared their battery life to the iPhone 7, which was notoriously bad (~1950mAH if i remember correctly)

the fact that they compared the battery life to the iphone 7 and not any of the 8 or even the 7 Plus means its worse than 7plus or maybe even on par with 7Plus

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well 8 is same as 7 so…

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I was personally let down by the new iPhone particularly because it doesnt seem to be the “FUTURE” of the smartphone apart from the added depth lenses that give portrait lighting and the FaceID (which didnt have a great debut).

Firstly, those bezels, I was let down, maybe the apple fans who arent knowledgable in the phone space might think its revolutionary, but in terms of the actual numbers, the screen ratio is actually lower than the S8,S8+, and Note 8. Apple has a 82.9% ratio i believe while the s8 has an 84%. This is due to the unexpected thicker bezels on the border surrounding the screen. True it looks nice, but lower screen to body ratio on top of the fact that the new OLED screen is actually supplied by Samsung, I do not see anything here that pushes this phone ahead of the competition, and in particular their main rival, Samsung. Maybe they should take some notes from the Essential phone’s border bezel.

secondly, the actual size of the phone, while it is 5.8 inches of screen diagonally, you should also remember that it is not a full 5.8 inch that you will be getting due to the cutout at the top of the screen. Apple decided not to crop this portion out for videos and apps and for this reason, you will be losing this portion of the screen until the developers code their games and apps around this space. Bummer.

Thirdly, Wireless charging and fast charging finally! No innovation really, android phones have had this for 2-3 years now. Not to mention, the wireless charging portion isnt even fast wireless charging.

Fourthly, I have to admit, the hardware portion is THE thing going for them at this point. Their A11 bionic chip seems like it will bring some incredible benchmark numbers. But apart from that, the iphone 8 and iphone 8 plus will mark the 4th year that a model stays very similar. FOUR YEARSSSSS, UNHEARD OF PEOPLE, WAKE UP! Let me repeat it in case it didnt ring yet, FOUR 4 FOUR 4 YEARS! oh wait, there is an iPhone X for $999 base. So are you saying if you want your iphone 6 to look different, you have to splash out at least $999? HELL YEAH. cuz that is the apple way. The price is high but Im sure Apple is confident that people who have 6 or 6 plus will probably not want to replace their old fashioned, huge bezel phone for the model that looks the SAME. Great plan im sure, cuz that gets the loyal fans to spend extra and jump on the $999 highly backordered phone, but from a neutral person’s perspective or a person on the fence, this is just stupid.

Lastly, I want to bring that no home button aspect. I was very curious as to the long term plan for apple for this “gesture control.” For people who used the latest samsung flagship phones, there is a virtual home button, and even though the finger print censor is awkwardly placed, this is temporary as samsung is currently working on putting the fingerprint censor under the display. Apple however, was also working on the fingerprint scanner under the display but failed to come out with it on time (so did samsung), and as a backup they worked on the gesture control. My question is…will Apple go back to having a fingerprint censor (touchID) under the display in the future phones? Is this gesture control a temporary thing? I fail to see what they are setting up for here. Maybe they want to see how people like the gesture control and take it from there? The fact that iphone 8 still has touch ID means it is not totatlly scraped…

another small thing is just the fact that the iPhone 8 and 8 plus are the same shell with different hardware inside, so what is really the justification for the $699 and $799 price range? unless you really just want that potrait lighting or the power of the A11 chip, why not get a flagship android phone or wait for pixel 2 and actually pay for both design and hardware that you deserve with that amount of money? It just sucks that this is the tactic Apple is playing and hoping for people to jump on the X, its really a lose-lose situation for people with a budget. HOWEVER, this is classic Apple.

one positive thing tho, that tech innovation that went into keeping the watch slim with all the added hardware, now THAT was nice. HD content that is being upgraded to 4k HDR for free? now THAT was nice.

main event for iphone? meh

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I have a feeling it wont be, iphone 8 does have a better chip in there. With the chip also being able to handle more extreme tasks however, it could be the same in the end. no one knows until they try haha

I agree, but then I also know it will be bought in quantity.

Religion, politics, and Apple, people make up their mind and stick to it til their death no matter how many times proved wrong.

Wondering, now Apple has invented wireless charging, will they sue all the other manufacturers who used their technology years earlier without Apple’s permission?


Is this true?
If that’s the case, I’m surprised. I figured Apple would be above S8 and Note8. Essential probably beats all, though.

Samsung supplies their screens so yes it is true about the ratio. But to be fair the essential phone isn’t the first with this kind of screen. Sharp did it first then xiaomi with the mi mix

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