Hey guys,
I just wanted to know if any of you are pre-ordering the New Iphone 8/X/Pro with the oled screen. I am used to just purchasing the past years model for $50 and my upgrade is up. Will the 7s have the no home button, wireless charging? Thats what I would want with a phone facial scan is of little importance the biggest thing is quick charge and wireless charging. Any thoughts on the matter and are any of you guys considering buying the new phone?
Thoughts on new iPhone coming out?
I’m looking forward to nothing.
I’m still using a 16GB iPhone 5s running iOS 9.3.5. It does all I need it to do and does it fabulously. I’m not about to blow $1000 on something I don’t need…I may want one but do I need one? Absolutely not.
I will probably upgrade to the oled version
So latest rumors on naming are three models:
8, 8 Plus, and X
8 and 8 Plus have a home button, but get wireless charging and fast charging
X doesn’t have a home button, gets the OLED screen, Face ID, wireless charging and fast charging
We’ll know everything on Tuesday.
I can see the Apple trailblazers jumping to the iPhone X but hardcore users will most likely stick to the 8 (7s) or 8 Plus(7 Plus) due to TouchID which is squarely embedded in most iPhone users daily lives (not to mention the lower price)
We’ll have to see how it works before we judge that. I have a feeling FaceID will be more convenient, faster, and more secure than TouchID.
I am ready for an upgrade but not if it will cost as much as rumors are portraying. Guess we’ll all find out on Tuesday.
I would assume that Face ID would require a clear view of the user’s face…now how well would that work when lying in bed with half of your face buried in a pillow in the dark? Touch ID doesn’t need to see anything but your fingerprint…and does it just fine in complete darkness without your face required.
Call me a skeptic but this just seems to be a more involved and difficult way just to unlock your phone. More secure? How so? What is more secure than your fingerprint? On top of that, you are allowed five different fingerprints to be recorded/stored on the device…just in case.
What is more natural than reaching for your phone with your hand, touching your finger to the Touch ID button, your fingerprint read instantly and your phone unlocked before you even look at it?
That’s just my (skeptical) take on this new “feature”.
I think exactly like you!
I think they will not jump a number. This is what I know about today 11-09, the day before the apple event:
They probably call 7S, 7S plus (no jumping number 8) and iPhone X
Probably iPhone X will have IP68 protection, 4K 60fps duplex (back and front), fast charging and wireless charging (slow), bigger battery ever (bigger also then the iPhone 6/7 plus), no touch ID
(at least frontal, perhaps in the back apple, but I don’t think so), face/pearl ID for face recognition, OLED borderless display and so on.
I would love to try this iphone x, but I’m jealously guarding my iphone 6
or if wearing sunglasses or hat, do you have to take it off to unlock phone?
also can someone pick up your phone while youre sleeping (or knocked out) and use your sleeping face to unlock it?
I read there is a new SOS mode that lets you disable everything but passcode entry however
I do believe all the new iPhones will have a home button but the iPhoneX which is supposed to be the top tier device that will be mentioned through Apple Events announcement.
It was leaked from reliable sources that they are going with iPhone 8/8 plus and X edition due to the significant changes with the models having wireless charging among other things.
I usually don’t like Apple products because I hate being tied or forced to use set apps, but I realized I no longer mod my Android or customize it like I use to. Basically, I will take any phone that just works and allows me to play the games I play be it Android or an iPhone
I will probably upgrade, although I’m not sure which model (7s, 8, etc) it will be yet.
If you want to upgrade take the iPhone X anniversary edition!
I’m planning to upgrade. I have a 6s I’ll trade in and that will take care of some of the upgrade cost. I don’t know which version I’ll go after. I’ll have to see the keynote tomorrow to decide.
I am very curious about the keynote of tomorrow, I expect everything
if anyone is willing to wait months to get their hands on it, hats to them. KGI recently said Apple is only manufacturing the iPhone X at about 10,000 units a day. I would not be surprised if people have to wait til november or even 2018 to get their hands on one of them.
I will be getting a new phone, most likely the note 8 but i am willing to give the iphone x a chance to impress me for me to switch back to Apple’s proprietary madness. Part of the reason why I want a note 8 is because i want a large phone that is at least 6 inches in screen real estate, but with the iPhone X being 5.8, i will need a really good reason to switch. The only thing that has me really interested is the new A11 chip that will most likely blow snapdragaon 835 processor out of the water in terms of performance numbers. Apple has always been ahead in the marriage of software and hardware and this time is no different. WE SHALL SEE…
All that I want is the wireless charging and quick charge.
Well then the iPhone 8/8+ should be sufficient.
Or just wait for 2018 iPhones.