One of my memorable ones have to be the first time I saw most of my relatives here in the US. After moving from Korea, I did not know much about my relatives in LA until that Christmas. Forgot the year but it was during winter vacation of 6th grade. Saw my distant cousins and got together really well. Really eventful and learned a lot from the trip. AHH MEMORIESSSSSSSSS…
The Community Christmas Countdown | An Unforgettable Christmas
It was the year before my father passed away and as my parents were divorced it seemed harder to try find Christmas gifts for them. It was the Christmas eve and I was still looking. I was at a Meijer (like a Walmart) and was on my way out the door and I saw a Grilled Sandwich Maker some one tossed aside in another part of the store. They were new at the time and I thought I would get it for him. On Christmas day when he opened it up; he was sort of expressionless and I thought he hated it. I started to open my gift from him and Lo and behold; we got each other the exact same gift. LOL!! It made it one of the most memorable Christmas with my father.
My most memorable Christmas, in a “wish I could forget it” sort of way, was the year I gave my son an iPod Classic. I thought I was a pretty cool mom for picking the best quote to engrave on the back. When it arrived, I was super excited to show my niece just how cool I was. I opened the iPod with “Rock on, Wayne!” engraved on the back. She said, “Ummmm, it’s ‘Party on, Wayne!’” I cried. The whole family still says, “Rock on, Wayne!” whenever we’re together.
Mom Fail.
Christmas of 2012, my first Christmas in Canada! The first Christmas in my life with real snow, the first one after realizing my life-long dream of moving to another country. As we had just arrived three months earlier and we were still unemployed - both studying the Quebec government free French classes - we had only a small celebration with a few friends, none of the fancy food usually served at the holiday. As gifts, since we were unexpectedly able to save quite some money when furnishing our new home, we purchased a “home theater” of sorts: an 50" LCD TV, a 5.1 Blu-Ray system, and an Apple TV - all still in use - and began what became our own particular tradition of watching Love Actually.
My Mom was one of 8 kids, so we always had fun chaotic Christmas’. However my 2 most memorable were times that were out of the ordinary.
First “pleasant” memorable as a teenager when I took my first plane ride traveling from snowy Pennsylvania to sunny California to spend Christmas with my cousin and his Mom. I had a great visit but it was very different not having the cold snowy weather. First Christmas away from Mom.
The “worst” memorable was when I was 5 yrs old. My Father and Uncle were both killed in a car accident on December 21st, funeral on Christmas Eve. First Christmas away from Dad. I was blessed to have that big family I mentioned earlier.
Getting engaged
My most memorable Christmas would have to be about 13 years ago. When we go married, all we could afford was cheap lil wedding band. And that was ok, because the ring was not the most important thing about us getting married. I was completely happy with our bands, but my husband never was. And about 8 years after getting married he was able to surprise me with a beautiful diamond filled band. I had never thought twice about getting a new band, because those were the ones we picked. But when he took the time to pick out this beautiful amazing ring, it was like him putting that ring on my finger all over again. I was surprised, shocked, & in love all over again…
Last year (2017) I was deployed for Hurricane Maria Restoration and Relief efforts in Puerto Rico. I missed some birthdays, Thanksgiving, and Christmas with my family. They knew my job there was important so I am thankful I have a wonderful, loving, and understanding wife and kids. My crew and I tried to make the best of our time there. The base made a wonderful meal for xmas and my crew and I bought some presents for the community. We were in charge of installing generators and creating micro-grids so some communities can have power. When we got them all hooked up just the look on the people’s faces, after not having power for over three months, was my Christmas gift. We also delivered humanitarian aid (food, water, and gifts for the young ones) to those in the rural areas of the island. That was last years Christmas, this year I am with my family and loved ones but I wouldn’t hesitate to go again if the need arises.
My most memorable Christmas was last year. Few years back, my family was all separated due to financial reasons. My parents moved to Florida from California and we could not see each other for the whole 2017. So on Christmas, my sister’s family and I decided to go visit them in Florida during Christmas season. It was very warm and sunny Christmas by the Miami beach. This year Christmas, my parents decided to visit us at California, well more like visiting my sister since she now has a newborn son. I will drive to my sister’s house as well and have another warm family Christmas.
Our OIL Christmas was last year. I lost my grandpa. He was a treasure to our family. His loss is irreplaceable. ThTs the most memorable Christmas we had.
My most unforgettable Christmas was my daughters second Christmas. She was born in October, so her first Christmas she was just an infant. Her second Christmas, she was just over a year old. That year was the first (and last) time I ever went Black Friday shopping. Decided then, that I would do all my future shopping before Christmas and online only. However, seeing the amazement on my babys face when she woke up to see the goodies she received was deffinately worth that aweful shopping trip.
Well it was random. If you post more it doesn’t give you better chance of winning.
Congrats to the first winner though!
Being born on 12/26, I already loved christmas. It was the only day of the year I could celebrate me lol. But last year at 34 I had my first child and seeing him at 4 months give a three foot tall stuffed monkey the hug of death made me forgot about myself. Even a year later I have spent much of my time trying to find things for him to enjoy and love, which is great since he loves electronics like me. Seeing a 15 month old grab your mini (anker btw) speaker and place it next to him listening to nursery rhymes on youtube is a hoot.
Hmmm, I guess the one I won’t forget is the one my family spent internationally. I suppose it just makes Christmas that much more special when nobody else is celebrating it. We were in the middle east at the time…
want to share my best xmas ever… that is the next one!!
i will become dad!! it’s just awsome!! don’t you think?
merry christmas guys!!!
Congratulations to the winner @hopehix
Its a random draw so don’t frown if a newer member of the group wins. Let’s have Christmas spirit win
My most memorable Christmas was at a mountain ski resort in the middle of nowhere. After flying in, my dad’s fuel line froze on the way there. We had to put chains on the tires. When we finally got there, it was a frozen wonderland, and we settled in for the night. The next day, we hit the mountains for a long hard day of riding. Afterwards, I had buffalo wings for the first time, and then the whole family watched the ski patrol come down the mountain while putting on a display of lights for the holidays from the hot tub on the deck.
I believe mine was winning a trip to Disneyland and having to wait to tell the kids. Once we told them, they seemed less than happy. I guess part of it was it was early and they had not fully woke up… Oh well still was fun for me and my wife.
The one where I saw the real Father Christmas arrive in his white van. In hindsight it was probably someone in a Santa suit parking to go to the pub next door.
My most memorable Christmas was 2 years ago. My kids helped me propose to my then girlfriend using handmade cards and a secret plan. We got married a year later just after Christmas and will be celebrating our 1 year anniversary this year. Needless to say, I love this time of year!