Welcome to the mega thread for the all-new 757 Anker PowerHouse! This is where you can find all the latest news and reviews related to the 757.
We’ll be updating the thread regularly, but if you find a review or piece of news we haven’t posted yet, feel free to share it in the comments below!
Gadget Flow
"It can charge from 0% to 80% in only 3.6 hours. That’s pretty darn handy since it means you can therefore keep your other devices charged up for a while after. It’s one charger to rule them all…
Read the full review HERE
Input Mag
“The new powerstation has six AC outlets that can put out a total of 1500W. There’s also one 100W USB-C port, a 60W USB-C port, four 12W USB-A ports, and a car port that maxes out at 120W. For reference, this thing can power a refrigerator for 2.7hours in blackout scenarios, or used outdoors to power your phone, laptop, drone, or even a 1150W electric grill for 48 minutes…”
Read the full review HERE
The Verge
“The other notable difference is that Anker is offering a 5-year warranty on its battery, quite a bit longer than the two years the other companies offer, and it claims its battery should still charge up to 100 percent capacity - not the typical 80 percent - after 3,000 charge cycles…”
Read the full review HERE
Wild Wonderful Offgrid
(08:30 - 09:45)
“This is easily hands down the best powerstation that I have reviewed yet”