Take Part in the Survey and Win!

Hey Soundcore Fans,

We’re currently working on some new over-ear headphones and we want to hear which designs are most eye-catching for you. Take part in the following polls and let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Once over 150 people have participated in the polls, we’ll randomly choose 6 people from the comments section to win a Soundcore Spirit X! To be eligible to receive a prize you need to be a resident of the USA, UK, Canada, Germany, France, Spain, or Italy.

Which headphone’s external appearance is most appealing to you?

  • A
  • B
  • C

0 voters

  • A
  • B

0 voters

Good Luck!

Winner Announcement

Thank you all for participating in this survey and we appreciate a lot every comment and suggestion you made for us.

The 6 lucky winners are:

Congratulations! The prize shipping delivery email will be sent within 2 weeks. Stay tuned for the next round of the survey!


Interesting designs but it’s option A & A for me :slight_smile:


Me too!
Good “taste” you have! :grin:


C in group 1, metal looks cleaner and more durable than black plastic (i.e. no beats junk), while A in group 2 but both of them are kind of ugly tbh.

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A in second poll because the cushions look more comfortable.

I like the brushed metal look on the earcups of “B” in the first one, but both of the designs are ugly in the second set. If I had to choose though it would be “A” simply because it’s not as gaudy as B


B & A for me.
I like the metal look on B. Tbh, I would buy any of the 2nd group. Just not feeling them but A are the better ones.

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I like C and B with the silver accents. :thumbsup:

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B and A for me. :headphones:

I like B and B. For the first one I just find it to be more sleek and beautiful. For the second on the same reason.

Good luck to all in this contest!

B in the first group for sleek and shiny metal finish, A in the second group for sleek design again.
I like the over ear head phones compared to in-earphones and would love to test this item when it is launched. Don’t mind winning Soundcore Spirit X in the meantime :yum:

red b is baddassery

Same here. A and A


For me A and A.


Right? If they made B in the first group red and black that would be my perfect headphones

I like C and A. Looks wouldn’t really matter, its all about how comfy the ear foam is after extended use.

Nothing against brushed or accented metal elements for certain products but have never warmed to them on headsets :slight_smile:

@ndalby, I was the same way until I had got a pair of high end cans to test out. At first I didn’t like it, but the more I used it the more it grew in me and I realized I prefer that look over plain shiny plastic

Interesting poll choices are are also interesting. Thanks anker for asking for our opinion on the matter