Take Our Survey to Win a Free USB-C Hub

Yeah, if you chose “No”, the questions will be less than others who chose “yes” :relaxed:


Ha! :grinning:

throw my hat in there good luck to everyone that submit

Done​:grin: Thanks for this chance​:four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover:

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Did I win yet??? lol

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Nice, interesting choices, thanks and good luck guys.

I’ve taken the test, literally two questions which was quick, reading from the comments I was expecting 5-10mins. Anyway my pc hasn’t switched on since I left uni a decade ago. I have a laptop but I dont need things dangling on it lol. I literally have one USB c device, my phone. This probably take me out of the competition but I hardly win anything anyway. :blush: You can give me a usb 3a multiple charger instead. And all slots have to charge 3a simultaneously if there is such a device or clostsest to it. Thanks :slight_smile:

Me to, I think it’s because of the options we chose, it probably wants a survey from the people who would actually use it which puts us out of the game possibly.

Yeah I thought so. Never mind.

If you won and don’t mind letting us know it would be great to congratulate the community people


Congrats to all the winners!


I was selected as a survey winner! Thanks Anker team. :slight_smile: The USB-C hub is something I need so I’m super glad to get this!


@Achimel It’s nice to see our Charmander back once a while :wink:

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Congratulation to the winners.
Hope you all really need that item and can use it!

I was not taking part because I dont have devices to use it. :grin:


Congratulations to the winners :+1:

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Congratulations winners 2.7k clicks, must be a lot of surveys !

Congrats!!! So happy to see you win hope you enjoy it

I’m a winner. Thankyou Anker. It’ll be great for my MacBook and my iPad Pro :blush:

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Thanks!! He’ll hobble back in here and there. :crazy_face:

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Yesterday i got my package and could not even remember that i did the survey some weeks ago :wink:

Thanks Anker :slight_smile: