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I’d avoid pass-thru power in a hub if possible, it relies on a far more complex PD negotiation than just a DC power in and USB out. By all means cross fingers with a purchase but it’s the sort of item you assume won’t work until it proves it does work, and buy and test on that basis. It’s not like a Powercore you press button it works / doesn’t work. Anker is moving into more complex products and across the forums you can infer they’re developing faster than testing is keeping up. Just high skepticism, for now at least.

Leg is bad, but I’m making most of it. 3 months of Tier 4 for everyone then everyone gets 2 needles, then back to normal!

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Awwww fella. It did look nasty in the photos. Hope it gets better obvs

I’ll bear all that in mind. Cheers buddy.

Interesting Poll :slight_smile:

All done! @AnkerOfficial Merry Christmas :blush:

Just completed it. Fun poll @AnkerOfficial

Strange poll - there were no instructions as to what to do.

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Completed. Some items looked the same to me lol.

Nice to have, must to own. Lol

I took the poll and every product looks great.

Love the brand. Haven’t been disappointed yet.

Foldable charger does not show what connector is used.

I agree. Size comparisons are definitely really helpful!

I think the poll and contest is a great idea to test ad power. I would just suggest next time, possibly make more visible division between each of the questions. Thanks!!

Photos are the same, but numbers are different.

Done! Cant wait to pick some of these items up soon i hope!

Closeup of all input/output sides for pictures would be very helpful.

I hope I win!

Sheesh, late to the party, but im here!! thanks for the poll. good stuff right here :slight_smile:

Anker makes the best charging products on the market! Thanks for the chance to win the prize!:+1:t2::+1:t2: