Soundcore by Anker Announces Alexa-Enabled Flare S+ Speaker

PARTY SMARTER: Revolutionize your musical experience with 360° Sound, customizable LED lights, and Alexa On-the-Go via the Amazon Alexa App.

Soundcore Flare S+ will be available this holiday season on for $129.88.

More details here.



That a lot of comments in this thread will be covered under this one…

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You called it on being a smart speaker​:+1::+1::+1:

Hopefully we see a Google home model at some point


Smart speaker to go along with the Smart door locks, Smart lights, Smart thermostat, Smart oven, Smart TV, Smart fridge, Smart toilet…God forbid the internet goes out. How do I flush that Smart toilet again??? :confused:


LEDs and Alexa!?


They do research to develop a Smart human beeing.
Using ANKER batteries of course, so this “Frankenfurter” can be quick charged via USB-C.:zipper_mouth_face:


Nah…will probably come with @joshuad11 favourite…microUSB as standard :grin:


Two different products. This is Flare S+ with Alexa. That is Flare+ that we’ve known about for months…

:blush: Working off my mobile & completely missed it until the smart speaker talk started…

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I likes this. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I’m glad I didn’t get the Flare, I really want to get my hands on one of these. I may have to give away couple of my other Anker speakers to get this one.


Gotcha :thumbsup:

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Yes! :grin:

Is 129 not a little bit to much. On the other hand I never listened to a flare

I don’t think the price is too high given what you get. The speaker has 4 drivers…two tweeters and two bass ports, you get 16 hour playback time with the ability to charge your phone, you get the light show, ipx 7 rating

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I agree with @elmo41683. The price doesn’t seem unreasonably high at all.

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That would be nice. I know Soundcore Model Zero+ is supposed to have Google Assistant (scheduled for next month) and Zolo Mojo+ was going to, but it is cancelled. Would make since to have a Google Assistant version of the Flare S+ and an Alexa version of the Model Zero+.


Zero+ looks really nice but it would be nice if Anker would offer a more budget friendly Google assistant option like a Flare G+:thinking::grinning:

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Besides Alexa, what will the S+ have that the + doesn’t? I was settled on the Flare until I read a couple of Plus reviews and now I’m hooked on that one. I do not want to be tempted by the S+. I’m fine without Alexa.

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The s+ will also have an increased battery size so you can not only run it longer you can also charge your phone from it