👻 Share Your Scariest Story | Win a Mystery Box

great stories…another great contest @AnkerOfficial …may the best one win…All the best!!

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Happy youre still with us! But definitely spooky :ghost:

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really cool contest! Luckily or unluckily I don’t have anything scary to compare to these happening in my life. Great was to get in the mood for Halloween though! :jack_o_lantern:

I must admit the Halloween story for me that sticks out from my childhood was when I was about 9. Living in the countryside there weren’t too many houses to visit but me and a couple of friends went trick or treating anyway. We went to a few houses and on the road there was one of those stereotypical “scary” houses with the gated drives lined with trees and guard dogs. As it was Halloween they had the gates open and a sign up to say trick or treaters welcome. We all slowly walked up the drive and rang the bell. This woman opened the door and gave us some sweets and some money. She then asked if we had seen the dogs as they had got loose and she couldn’t find them. Then she told us they loved eating sweets so we better be careful not to meet them on the way out. As we quickly walked away and back up the drive, we started to hear barking and rustling in the trees.

I can honestly say I’ve never ran so fast in all my life.

Fast forward a few years and sitting in a bar talking about our childhood over beers. The guy who owned the house decided to let us in on the secret. His wife would answer the door as he would sneak out the side door and hide in the trees for the kids leaving. He said they often ended up with sweets all over their drive.

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In the UK we are living a horror story, it’s titled the Tory government featuring Boris Johnson :scream::fearful::fearful::fearful:

@gavingilbert82 Let’s leave politics out of this one shall we?


Watching Sinister!!!

My spooky story is a true story. I was a 20-year-old, female college student who moved away from home for the first time to attend a University in Northern California. I had to live one city over from the University because I could not afford to live in the area. It required me to take the I5 freeway to school as well as to visit my friends. I was not happy about living so far away from everyone, but I tried to make the best of the situation.

After work on a Saturday night instead of going home to study, I make the executive decision to go out with my friends. After all it was a Saturday night, and I could study on Sunday. We went dancing and after went to a party. My friends and I stayed at the party all night and I decided I was going to leave the party around 11:30pm because I had a long drive ahead of me, I was tired from work and I moved further.

My friends walked me to my car we hugged and said our goodbyes and we all would see each other on Monday at school. I then left to go home. My friends decided to stay longer at the party. It was a pretty cold night, so I turned on the heat in my car and headed home by taking the I5 freeway home.

It was 20 minutes into my drive when a careless driver cut me off and I slammed on the car breaks. My purse flew off my back seat and everything that was in the purse fell onto the floor and was rolling around. At the time I was a neat freak and I just could not resist cleaning it all up.

So, I pulled my car over to the side of the road and left the car running. It made sense in my 20 year old head to get out and walked over to the passenger side door (my car was a 2 door), pushed the seat forward and bent down and started putting everything back in my purse. Suddenly, it was like I had an out of body experience. I got this flash of a vision (no I did not drink or do drugs at the party). I saw a man dart out of the bushes on the side of the road and grab me from behind. I was screaming and kicking to get away. He pulls me into the bushes and then the vision ended.

I then heard twigs snapping behind me and it scared me so much, that I just dropped my purse, and everything spilled onto the floor again. I slammed the car door and ran to the driver’s side door. I got in the car as fast as I could and locked the door. I did not even put on my seatbelt I was so afraid. I quickly put the car in drive and checked my driver’s side mirror and with tires screeching floored it back onto the freeway hoping I was not going to hit anyone. As I checked my side mirror, I saw a car driving pretty quickly up behind me. I then check my middle rear view mirror and illuminated by the car that was coming behind me, was a man standing on the side of the road where I was just parked with something in his hand. I just thought it might have been a homeless guy who was sleeping in the bushes but hey I was 20 years old.

On Monday I went to school and while we were eating lunch in the quad, I recounted to my friends what had happened to me. As I was telling the story everyone had a look of horror on their faces and stopped eating. When I asked what was wrong, they said “Didn’t you know?”, I said know what? As quiet as a mouse one of my friends said that there is an I5 strangler and I could have been his next victim. I was speechless. I pushed my sandwich away and instantly was not hungry anymore.

Being so young I quickly forgot what happened to me, until years later. I was watching a real crime show on tv with my boyfriend at the time. I recounted my story saying my friends thought that I encountered the I5 strangler on the day my purse spilled onto my back seat when I was in my 20’s. I said it was probably some homeless guy. When they profiled the I5 strangler on the tv, I was told all the color drain from my face and I collapsed onto the couch. Yes, the man I saw that night was the I5 strangler! I crossed paths with a killer and lived to tell the story. Somehow, some way, somebody up there was looking out for me. I still do not know what he had in his hand but never will I ever, stop on the side of the freeway at night.


Many years ago when I moved out on my own I found a little house that I could afford that was pretty nice. I had many experiences in it, but one that really sticks out for me happened late one night.

I was in the living room watching TV around 1 in the morning. The house had a basement and suddenly I heard this screeching growl that sounded like a cat in the basement. I ignored it, but it happened again several times so I had to investigate.

Bear in mind, the only access to the basement was through a padlocked door, no other openings except for the standard grated vents in the concrete. I had a flashlight with me and unlocked the padlock.

I was pretty creeped out so I barely cracked the door open, shined the light in right quick and said, “Here kitty, kitty, kitty”, with no sounds coming back at all. I was NOT going in there that night.

Locked it back up and went back into the house and wistfully tried to go to sleep, finally doing so after several hours. When I woke up I decided I was going to check out the basement. I went down, unlocked the door and cracked it enough to shine the light in to take a good look around. Seeing nothing that caught my eye I opened the door on up and walked in.

Bear in mind, this basement had been locked up for years and there was a heavy layer of dust everywhere.

Once I was inside I saw a very short trail of HUGE cat tracks in the dust that started in the middle of the room and ended where there was no place for it to jump to or go away.

By huge, I mean larger than a German Sheppard track. Freaking huge. Found nothing at all in the basement animal wise. I slowly backed my way out and locked the door again.

I never went back in there again.

Many years ago, I shared a house with a roommate. The house was on a corner with a dark dead end.
My roommate’s bedroom had a low window that opened to the dark dead end. We had already been broken into twice. (we were away both times) and I was concerned about access through that window on a dark night.
Well, one night I woke up to hear my roommate screaming!!
It finally happened!!
If he was screaming, I was scared and didn’t know what to do. But I had to do something.
I collect knives. So I grabbed a Civil War sword and, dressed only in my briefs, I came charging into his room to save the day. I’m sure it was quite an image.
Turns out he was having a nightmare.
Well, he woke up to the sight of me in my underwear wielding my sword. And I was speechless.

We never spoke of that night again.

thanks for the stories unfortunately i have none to share but that is a good thing :smiley:

My story might be not as scary but still a mystery to me. So my family house was getting foreclosed and whole family moved out to find their own place, while I was still staying in the house until I could not. I was still in college so I could not afford to move out yet. My dog was still staying with me though. It was pretty big house, about 2500sqft with 5 rooms. Everything was fine but one day, I came back home to find a whole festive cake(like a pound cake with some sweets sprinkled on it) I bought from Costco was on the floor and my dog ate about quarter of it.

However, instead of being annoyed at my dog ate my cake, I was getting uneasy feeling from the sight of how this cake was on the ground. If somehow my dog could reach the kitchen table and knocked it over, it would alone create a lot of mess. Also, my dog would had to tear through the box and the plastic wrap to get to the cake. However, everything was too clean for my dog’s doing. The box was cleanly opened and put against the wall instead of pieces of paper cake box everywhere. Plastic wrap was unwrapped clean, cake was fully removed from the wrap, then cake was placed top of center of whole cleanly unwrapped and folded plastic wrap. Also, cake was on its upright position. This was pretty tall cake about size of soccer ball and kinda shaped like a ball. Hence, if my dog was trying to open it and eat it, it would have been knocked over and would have rolled around the ground on its side. But that was not the case. Everything was suggesting a human took out the cake, and placed the wrap underneath and put the cake on top of it so my dog can eat it.

I think I instinctively noticed the scene is not my dog’s doing or can’t be my dog’s doing and had chills run down my spine. In my head, I was keep trying to make sense of the situation but not one piece of this situation completely made sense.

I ended up carrying 13inch kitchen knife in my hand and checked and cleared each room for signs of intruder. At that point, I realized why in all those horror movies people go check things out when they hear something in the house or in the yard or something. You want to feel secure again in your own home and this is not achievable unless you can confirm the chills down my spine is just my imagination being too wild. Things like this is not something you can call police for and you may not have luxury to call someone else to check it for you at the moment.

Luckily(Or could be unlucky if you believe in ghost and ghost could have caused it), I didn’t find anyone in the house. However, until this day, I still feel like it wasn’t my dogs doing and it just might be someone have entered my home and purposely opened and gave the cake to my dog, then left without taking anything else in the house.

First thing first. I may have missed it previously but 3 hours wait. Oh my…

You know when I get on FB and think about posting something, I get stopped by a person in a blue dress. They look neanderthal and a little like @Chiquinho. They say leave this place and come back to Anker community.

It is partly scary.


Nice one.

She wasn’t with a bier


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There is the truth I was hiding for so many years!
But its the time now I have to tell you all my secret.

That’s me

I am sure now many of you will dream of me all night! :rofl:


So let me tell you about this scary story of someone posting a reply pic on the share your scariest story mystery box contest :rofl: :eyes:

I was a sickly child with bad Asthma, I’d missed many months of school from aged 4.

When I was 7 years old I had my worse asthma attack. I struggled with it for days.


I woke exhausted, I told my mother I had enough and would rather not wake up again. She left me crying.

I must have fallen asleep again as when I woke my Grandfather was sat on the end of my bed, I’d not seen him for weeks and was pleased to see him, when I was well he would take me out on the park. I told him what I’d told mother that I was exhausted and just wanted to stop.

He said to me “you’ll be fine tomorrow”, I believed him and fell asleep.

The next morning I woke feeling really strong. Happy, I bounded out of bed and down the stairs and shouted “Mummy, Daddy, I’m better!”

My mother was crying in the arms of my father. My father told me Grandfather had died last night of a heart attack. I explained that’s impossible as he came to see me, he said I’d be better and I was.

My mother and father looked at me in disbelief, and said I was lying. So I never said it again.


I never had an Asthma attack since and have been strong since.


I really like the illustrations.
A lot of artistic creation. :smile:

You see me here when I did some adjustments on my ASTRO
The kids are waiting as you see! :rofl:


**My dog started running around the house like crazy, I was not sure what was happening. 10 minutes later I got my dog to approach me while I was watching tv, I then looked at him and everything seemed fine except one thing he looked like he had a new toy in his mouse. When I went to take it off him I quickly realised it was a mouse and I nearly had a heart attack by how gruesome it was by the situation, should have named my dog Hunter.

Although I’ve never truly had a ghost make me jump by yelling, “Boo!”, I have felt the presence of the paranormal. And so I will lay it out for you:

** Please note that derealization is an actual disorder and I am in no way poking fun at it and in no way do I intend to offend or belittle someone who may suffer from it. **

Ever since a wee, young lass, I have, some would say unfortunately, always felt the eyes of the unknown boring into me. Every hour of my life I have lived as if being watched, not necessarily by a particular person but always by someone, some being. On some occasion, it would be unmistakably clear as to where these dark beings were hiding. Curiously, when I did have the guts to go investigate, there would be no one there, but always a piece of evidence. For example, an object has unmistakably yet indescribably moved, frigid air is left behind only to warm up within seconds of discovering it, and the latest one, I would hear my name being spoken from that assumed spot as I approached, ever so softly and breathy almost as if someone was saying it as they exhaled. I have heard many times before that it is not uncommon for the dead to haunt their prey for years and years, waiting for some undecipherable but supposedly necessary time to make their cold, quick move. It is also believed that those who experience Deja-vu and derealization more often than the normal person, are really home to a number of demons or demonic substances. I personally experience both of those but not only that; I also have many visions and moments where I feel overcome by another desire to force myself into danger. This happens mostly while driving or when there is clear danger and possibilities of sudden death. Fortunately enough, this only occurs for a couple minutes but I feel as I am holding onto myself by a fraying piece of thin rope. It is possible that the evil spirits want out of me as much as I want them out. I fear the only way is for them to lure me around until my death. Then, at last they will be freed from my body just as my own spirit will be. Maybe I will join them, the dark spirits, watching my prey until the opportune moment to enter has come and then I will devour them from the inside making them crazed until they have had enough and can no longer hold onto themselves. If I do I must leave my bones rotting in the dirt, my eye sockets, now filled with maggots, looking up towards the heavens, my neck and jaw twisted against a cold rock, my legs tangled up and my arms wide open, welcoming the browned dead leaves now falling, soon to cover my empty shell. Any and all evidence of my existence gone.