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One trip that I remembered the most was during my freshman year in college in 1990s, a bunch of us went to Lake George, NY for a short 2 days 1 night Halloween getaway. We rented a small motel with 2 adjacent, interconnected rooms.

After midnight, few of us were playing card and board games in one room while the more tired ones were sleeping in another room.

Around 1am, we started hearing a bird singing outside our window profusely, as though someone is disturbing her nest with little birdies inside, and she was singing to drive someone or something away. Of course no one thought of anything else during that time.

The next morning, we found some books on the bathroom floor, which were on the bathroom shelves when we got there. When we asked if anyone touched those books at night and everyone unanimously said “No”. Everyone knew what had happened but no one really want to talk about it. Now every time I hear a bird signing at night, I thought of that particular trip and get goose bumps and chill all over (even as I recollect this story to share with you). What an eerie experience to remember!!! :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

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Tell me about it, my Powercore 10,000 was in my van as well :woozy_face:

I have a pixel 4. The battery is at 34%. I have to drive through DC using my GPS to meet my in-laws before 6 PM. My car charging outlet broke last week. Lord save me!


(TW: violence) When I was rather young, about 10 or so, I had a dream in which I was part of a line of people to be executed, the man next to me was shot, slumping to the ground, and I only awoke right after the executor lined up his rifle, and woke as he pulled the trigger and the gun rang out, prolly genuinely traumatized me not gonna lie.

She was your angel protecting you!!! Glad you were OK. :grimacing:

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I used to be afraid of being home alone, then I realized that I was afraid of being home not alone

When I was about 9 years old we had just come back from trick-or-treating. We were getting out of our costumes when my dad said I had a friend at the door. I was so excited, running to the front door. Well it wasn’t a friend, it was “Freddy Krueger” with the face, shirt, and nails. He looked so real! I was so freaked out the my mom thought my mom thought she was going to have to call 911. I had Freddy Krueger nightmares for months.

We were at Great America during Halloween, and there were clowns and other monsters roaming around the park. I went to the bathroom, alone, to use the urinals. There was a guy next to me who I noticed had something off with his nose. I only glanced at his face, not to be rude by staring. I washed my hands with the guy with the strange nose and couldn’t help but look over. He was one of the monsters roaming around ! He smiled at me very creepily, I suppose he knew I had caught on. I smiled back nervously and walked out. I am forever scarred

Was a gravedigger for a few years. Every Halloween we had a burial. One time it was requested to be later in the day for family convenience and as we finished up, daylight gave way to dusk. The leaves were rustling in the breeze, the night times sounds got creepy and we just tried to hurry.

Right as we wrap up the tents and the grave covered, came a shrieking sound. The assistant foreman and I looked at each and both went “nope”. It happened again but closer. We freaked out, started trying to find the source. It was our foreman who came back just to screw with us! Good laughs after we calmed down but man, burying a body on Halloween brrrrr

Once upon a Time long ago I went in to use the toilet and sat down and was going and then I looked over and there was no TP.

Going to work and finding out your phone is at 13% and you need it to last all day at work (next time I could charge it was about 9.5 hours later).

So this happened a few years ago while I lived in Mexico. It was Halloween night and a full moon
always the best
 anyway it was dark outside and the only way to get home that wasn’t blocked was having to go through a cemetery. Now if anyone’s ever been to a cemetery in Mexico you know what I was walking through. For those who don’t I’ll add a picture. As I was walking through with a friend it’s dark moonlight night and we start going through the cemetery trying to get back rather quickly but as we are walking something jumps out from behind one of the larger objects and scares the crap out of my friend and I. Start running. Look behind us There’s this wall and all we see is a shadow of someone hanging from a tree.
Ran into the plaza after we dipped out and told the authorizes what we saw. They went back with us and couldn’t find anything.

holy crap, when I was 14, the scariest thing I did was sneak into the restroom at 3 AM scared of the demons in my house


Ok this all happened when I was 10 or 11 years old ,The movie HALLOWEEN had just come out on VHS .It just so happened my parents had to go away and our babysitter was watching us that evening.So my babysitter was having a yard sale that weekend .Well let me give you an idea of the town we lived in.In the center of our town 4 roads came together and met to create a square.On our side of the street we had a bulletin board.Now back to my babysitter,s sign we actually watched the movie then we had to pin this sign up on the bulletin board,when we ventured outside of course it was dead quite and windy occasionally you would hear something rustle in the leaves even though it was only about 50 yards to the bulletin board it seemed like a mile and a half.With every step the air seemed to get thicker every sound closer as if there was something following us,even my babysitter looked scared ,but we finally reached the board and a cat jumped out of the tree next to the bulletin board .I swear it only took like 2 secondsto get back to the house and we were all white as a ghost.

My 2 older sisters and I loved watching scary movies at home. The only ones that ever lasted in our memories and affected our behavior were the werewolf movies. We would go to bed and next morning find ourselves in the one bed together, never remembering that we got up and moved
and when night fell if we were outside we would run home so quick to avoid getting caught outside by the moon light
the sound of teh trees and teh clouds across the sky was so much like the movies. My mom eventually made us stop watching scary movies adn we turned to teh Three Stoogies
she stopped that too only after someone got hurt
fun times

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In the very, very small town of Glenwood Springs, Colorado, there was

a string of very sinister events. It all started in this town of a little under 4,500 residents in the year 1977. It was a popular tourist destination because of the big mountain nearby. The mountain had a few attractions available, there was zip lining, you could go rock climbing, you could go hiking, there was even a look out at the top of the mountain. The most popular hotel was The Mountain Man Inn.

Deborah Powell and her very best friend, Donna Cook, were avid rock

climbers. Even though they were only 19 and 22 years old, respectively, they would always find places to go to rock climb. They liked to do outdoor rock climbing on cliffs and mountains, but they also enjoyed indoor recreational rock climbing. They lived in Ocean City, Maryland which had a population of just over 4,500 residents at the time. They traveled all over the country and to different places just to go rock climbing.

When they visited a town in Oklahoma, some other people that enjoy

rock climbing as well told them about a town in Colorado that is very beautiful during fall and when you’re on top of the mountain you could see around for miles. They specified that all of the trees are orange and red and it looked like a sea of red from all of the trees. Little did they know the leaves weren’t going to be the only things that would turn red.

There was a well known man that lived in Glenwood Springs. He lived

there his whole life. Everybody liked him and he would always help people out even if it meant spending his own money. He was always super generous towards other people, especially people in need. His name was William Jake Parry, he was 47 years old. He liked to spend his free time not only helping other people but hiking up in the mountains. When people would ask him if they could go with, he always says no and no one understands why. As it turns out, he is a serial killer that has been on the loose for about 7 years. He never leaves any trace and has never ever been caught or suspected for any murders.

On one of the fateful days that this killer struck, unlucky Deborah and Donna

just so happened to be rock climbing. The nice couple in Oklahoma told them about the nice town in Oregon. Deborah and Donna decided to take the advice of those nice people and take a trip to Colorado. It was during fall just like the people suggested. They thought it was so beautiful.

They got a room at The Mountain Man Inn. It was surprisingly well kept. They

thought it was going to be all rundown and dirty and broken down but it was not. When they got there they took their stuff up to their room and they made a game plan. They wanted to explore the town but most importantly they wanted to do stuff on the mountain. They were super excited to go rock climbing and to see the view from the top of the mountain.

Luckily Deborah and Donna had climbing equipment so they did not have to

rent any. It would have been very expensive if they had to. The night that they arrived they decided to use that as a break day so after they made their game plan they went to bed since it was getting late and they had a lot to do the next day.

When they woke up in the morning they went into town to see all of the

activities they could do. They did not want to do anything besides go rock climbing that day. They went back to the hotel to gather all of their rock climbing equipment. As soon as they got there they were running trying to gather everything as quickly as possible. When they gathered all of their equipment they started heading right to the mountain. They were very excited to start climbing. It was a little bit of a hike to get to the spot where they could start rock climbing.

They got to the spot with the rock climbing anchors. As soon as they got

there they hooked up all of their climbing equipment. They started ascending up the mountain. They were having tons of fun climbing. Luckily it wasn’t rainy or windy for them. When they got to the top, they stood on the edge and looked out around the town and surrounding towns too. The people that told them to go there were not lying. It was a beautiful view for miles just like they said.

After a few minutes of looking off the cliff and taking pictures they decided to

go walk around for a bit before they went back down. They discovered some amazing little animals they had never seen before that. There were also a few caves and little animal hiding spots that animals would run out of.

They found one specific cave they really wanted to go into, so they did.

Before they entered they made loud noises and threw little stones in it to try and scare any animals out. Nothing came out and the only noises were the ones from Deborah and Donna. They thought it was safe to enter so they did. It was a very long cave system. After walking for a while they smelled smoke. After a little more walking they found a few torches in the wall. And then they realized that there was a shorter passageway under one of the torches. They went in even though they had to crawl. When they got to the end there was one more room, and it reeked.

There was a man standing there, right in front of them. He towered over them

even when they were standing. His shirt, arms, and hands were covered in a red liquid. It was blood. He picked up his arm high above his and brought it down as quick as the flash. The cleaver in his hand struck Donna right in the head. She dropped right to the floor. The cave system is too long so no one could hear Deborah’s terrified screams. As soon as he got the cleaver out of Donna’s head it was time for Deborah. Just like he did to Donna, he brought his arm up high and then swung it right down on her head. As soon as she dropped to the ground he moved their bodies to the pile of other dismembered bodies. He walked right out of the cave as if nothing had happened and disappeared into the trees nearby and no one would ever question a single thing.

One night I got into a particularly loud argument with my mother about leaving to a party some friends were throwing. I got mad, told her to “F off”, and walked to my friends house anyway. This was about 7 P.M. The party ended around midnight, but I waited around to see if I could bum a ride home. Closer to 1 A.M. I decided I needed to get home before it got ANY later. His house was only about a mile away but it would turn out to be the longest mile of my life.

The first half of my walk home was uneventful. I picked up a fallen branch about the size of a baseball bat. Definitely thick enough to do some damage to anything or anyone that may have tried to attack me. I peeled off the smaller branches and continued on my way home. The neighborhood was divided halfway through by train tracks. I thought the train tracks would be a shorter way to get home, so I took them. About a minute into my trek down the tracks, I noticed a jet black mangy looking Rottweiler watch me walk passed it. What’s funny is I felt like it was watching me a lot longer than I had noticed. About 50 feet away from the dog I hear it get up, and start walking towards me. The crunching of fallen leaves as it walked made me feel uneasy. I figured the dog would try to attack me so I kept trying to scare it off. I would pick up a stone and toss it in the dogs direction without the dog so much as flinching. A couple of stones seemed to never hit the ground with the familiar “thud” or “clack” like most of them did. When I got to my street I turned around to see the dog at a pretty harmless distance. “As long as this dog keeps his distance we will be ok” I thought.

5 blocks away from my house and I started to feel like I had someone just breathing down my neck. I felt the hair on my neck stand up. I heard the deep breaths and guttural grunts. It sounded almost human. I turned around to see this dog a little closer but not changing it’s pace. I stopped walking and noticed that it did too. Most dogs pant, but this one just stared at me with the most expressionless face. It even looked like it wasn’t breathing. I got chills and started walking again. The moment I took a step, it took a step. If I stopped, it stopped. I found it awkward but kind of amusing. I took a step towards it and it just stood motionless. I took another step towards it, and again, Just motionless. I picked up a dirt clod from a ditch nearby and tossed it in its direction. The dog stood perfectly still as the dirt clod hit the ground and shattered into bits of rock and dirt.

I mutter “Screw this” and started walking again. It started to walk again.

3 blocks away and I can see the tree from our yard leaning out towards the street.

I pick the pace up a bit and start to walk a little faster. I hear the trotting of what sounds like a HUGE animal. I turn around to see this dog is about 20 feet closer but still keeping a slow pace. I stopped and it stopped. I took a step and it took a step. I started getting tired of this and started to pick up every rock I saw, and tried to hit the dog. Several good sized rocks found their target but the dog seemed to not be bothered by these rocks hitting him.

2 blocks away from my house and I can see the light from our porch in the street. I start to jog and can hear someone RUNNING right behind me. To my right I noticed a brick mailbox that looks like it was halfway under construction with some broken bricks next to it. I picked up a piece of brick that had been broken in half and watched as this dog showed me its teeth. It’s eyes black and showing no emotion. I noticed the dog is a lot closer. I stop this time and it keeps coming. A slow pace but steady. I threw the piece of brick with everything that I was made of and it made direct contact with the dog’s head. With a slight jerk of its head from the impact, the dog breaks into a faster trot. I was Terrified.

This was the first time it broke its pace and quickly gained speed. I turned around and ran as fast as I humanly could. All I could hear at this point was galloping. It sounded like a horse running at full speed right behind me.

I was a few houses down from my house and I heard the faint sound of maniacal laughter off In the distance. I jumped the ditch in front of my house, ran down the driveway and all of a sudden I heard
 Nothing. No dog. No gallop. No laughing.

As I opened my door to walk in, I heard someone whisper right in my ear “Next time

I immediately ran inside and slammed the door behind me.

My mother and her older sister had been very close since childhood. They went together on trips, had the same interests and often showed up at family parties wearing similar clothes or at least the same color combinations. Both were very punctual and if one was late for something you know there had to be a good reason.

My mother died first, about 15 years ago. About five years later it was my aunt’s turn. Two things happened the day of her funeral that I will always remember.

The first was in the church during the Mass. My arm started to tingle. We had just finished prayers while kneeling so I thought I had leaned on it the wrong way while resting on the pew in front of me. I reached around to rub it and brought back fingers covered in blood. It wasn’t much but still surprising. Then it wouldn’t stop bleeding until close to the end of the Mass. I forgot about it until later in the day.

The burial was right after the Mass in a nearby cemetery. It was a cold and blustery day when she was laid to rest. The cemetery had been in the neighborhood for many years and was filled with fully-grown trees. We were around the casket at the graveside, leaning in trying to hear the priest recite the final prayers when there was a loud CRACK. A good-sized tree branch fell and hit me, glancing off my head and hitting me across my shoulders. It did not knock me down but I was thrown off balance. As my relatives came over to see if I was all right I stared up at the sky and said “Okay, OKAY, she’s coming already!” The priest glared at me but a slight smile crossed his lips. He was familiar with both my mother and her sister and knew what they were alike when they were together
 and apart.

I remember as a child, my parents were going through a divorce and our emotions all over the place. One night I dreamt of a lady who looked like she was floating at the end of my bed, the figure was an outline of a slim lady with dark eyes and curly hair, she gave me a sense of calm and was telling me that all will be ok and not to fret and she will bang their heads together (my parents) and they will sort things out.
I woke from the dream and didn’t see my mother until later that day as she had gone to work early. When I came home from school I couldn’t wait to tell her about my strange dream. When I explained it to her, she went white as my sister had just relayed the exact same story to her but described a different lady (more plump and jolly) but otherwise the same dream.
We were very young and didn’t understand the relevance, later that week mum was showing us some old photographs where I quickly identified the lady from my dream she was sat in a group of about 8 women all of whom I’d never seen before. My mother explained that the lady I saw was my grandmother (my Dads mother) she died a year before I was born and she was sat with her sisters. It wasn’t until years later when Mum and dad had rekindled and remarried that Whilst at my aunts house, my sister identified the second lady who she had dreamt about all those years before, my aunt showed her a picture of our grandmother (my mother’s mother) who had died when mum was 12 years old. Just goes to show that people are always looking over us!

Yes it’s the story of Tailypo
