Quarantined how are you spending your time? Stay home stay safe❤️
Quarantined how are you spending your time?
Hey @Jad.sahmarani
How’s it going in Saudi?
Lockdown for me (in the UK) is consisting of business as usual but exclusively working from home instead of home and office.
I’ve been watching TV shows and keeping to myself
Working from home here as well!
We are allowed to go out from 6am until 7pm here in Saudi.
That’s good stay safe
You better get some snacks enjoy stay safe
I am writing useless comments here as usual.
Still doing the daily grind myself, though at safe as possible distances
Well keep going
Keep it going my friend stay safe
Day 3, used the PowerConf for a real life work call.
Was a NHS meeting so couldn’t record it
Tomorrow and friday my diary is less busy so i hope to get a good recording and post a review.
You’ll be glad to hear the government announcements are starting to take effect and calls to GP surgeries are on the decline, giving some of our NHS heros a bit of breathing space and time to catch up.
For emergency services they have seen a massive rise, as per government expectations in the advice they have been giving.
Talking of health, its time for a glass of red
We are allowed to go out from 6am until 7pm everyday here in Saudi Arabia
My Hofbräu is ready to “get it touch” with your glass of red!
Prost Paul!
There’s a built-in factor of 9x lag from modified behaviour until result. Today’s ICU trace back to behaviour 3 weeks ago. Bug doubles after 6 days.
Fingers crossed we did it and enough
But I doubt it. I observe many bad behaviours.
Difficult to get fingers crossed!
I am choosing to shop and help those in the vulnerable category, I am merging their shopping lists and doing it for others. It is not difficult, weather is good and did 6 miles walk today finding someone some red lentils as they wanted to make soup.
That is putting me more into risk for myself, but then I’d rather die in a selfless world than live in a selfish world.
Day 1 - I woke with a cough.
Day 2 - let’s see.
- Day I drink my beer and all is fine!
This lock-down has to last til about September. What you going to do when your beer hoard goes?
The lock-down being only a few weeks is just to stop the over-reactors from their thang…
Working from home!!