Quarantined how are you spending your time?

If there is a shortage of beer here in Bavaria there would be a revolution.
There is no.

Need a top up!


I take a nap now.

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Oh, I know there will not be a shortage of beer, it takes 6 weeks to make beer, beer makers 20% ill for 3 weeks means the beer will be fine during the odd cough period

It is shortage of beer delivery, beer shops.

Supply side fine, delivery side, well…

Whiskey, it can actually improve with no people, for years.


Topped up and back in the game :+1:t2:


Curious as to what case you’re using on your iPad? I’m assuming it is wine-proof? :rofl:

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Hey @TechnicallyWell
Hope you are well.
The brand is STM and the range is DUX, ive used them for iPad protection for many years amd are hardwearing, super tough and, in my opinion looks good.

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Rubberised magnetic flap.
Vertical and horizontal stand.
Good lip around screen.
Solid plastic back.
A little bulky but I’m fine with that, can 100% recommend the brand.

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Learn to love the power of plinths, and external keyboards at surface level.

I suspect replacement laptops will be trickier to source.


If the laptop screen is very good, then the whole laptop on plinth, otherwise the laptop way up high far away secure and a disposable screen at wine / coffee height.

This also helps with back problems, the neck looks down, puts stress in the neck which results in pain later.

Talking from experience, about 5 years after beginning to work from home,…

I doubt I can find a photo but will dig…

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In the office we have screens on arms and laptop on vertical mounts.
The working from home set up is temporary until work start opening the office again.
Debs works to the left, me to the right.

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trying to get the kids more active while staying at home

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Im quarantined per doctors orders. I have upper respiratory infection, they have limited test hers so they are only testing those who need a respirator. But they are treating all viral infections with quarantine and medication based on your symptoms.

I went to the emergency room this morning cause it hurt to breathe and my coughing got worse along with a fever. But the tylenol dropped my temperature and they determined im not as serious as others so they sent me home. They gave me an inhaler, nasal spray and cough syrup and cough pills



This work-from-home is actually 3 months

Standing desks?

You will need to find, in essence, a place you can stand with your screen pointing straight ahead. Or you will be in agony if you have any kind of back injury. It is not nice with back pain. Tends to radiate and make random parts painful like shoulders. Think about posture. Basically.

Sorry to hear that. I am not your doctor so attach as much credibility to this as any quack, but based on what you wrote, go to bed and sleep, when you wake, sleep more, when you wake, sleep more, til your eyes hurt sleeping.


Yep, cant sleep either im coughing too much or my head is killing me even with meds. So we moved my recliner tok the front office and im quarentined jn there. At least i have my projector and games to occupy my time

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take care and rest!

I’m not quarantined- I basically live life normally. Nothing much has changed here…

Sitting at home in online classes trying to explain to some of my teachers how to exit the call once it’s over

This is my lousy office, not very exciting.


That looks very familiar @Chiquinho :rofl:


Seems we all have a special way to create a little bit of “Gemuetlichkeit”.:laughing: