PowerDraw Winner Anouncement (Weekly updates)

Congratulations to all winners, commiserations to those who tried so hard, including me, but didn’t win anything :unamused:

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We indeed welcome you to this community created and funded by Anker.

Indeed, we agree. We’re not challenging your opinion, only your facts.

The feeling you have is one we all share, we don’t win often enough but that feeling is not fair on Anker, as there are

image So round that to a Million users. So our chances individually are 1 in a Million, as a start. Most users are not the high level so most users are low levels. That’s now the facts beginning.

That’s I assume true, not noticed you win anything.

Now come on, that is not true. In the last draw (fact) , I see a L3, L4 and L2 win.

So members like you at are winning. The fact you haven’t won is valid but then there are great deal many members like you.

So if you go back further,


A L3 L2 L3 L3 won.

The week prior


A L2 and L4 won

and keep going back.

So in summary:

  • yes you are correct to express feeling, opinion, we get the fact you not won and wish to win
  • but you are not correct that low level never win, they tend to win quite often, which is not a surprise are there many more
  • the higher levels member win more than the 1:Million as they join in the community often, so earn PBs more and so can be more proportionally (than 1:Million) bid in the PDs and so represented more. A good example analysis was done showing reasonable assumptions here:


Conclusion: be an active participant and eventually win. As I mentioned, my last win was April and others commented months to > year ago.

Please do share opinions, but not share incorrect facts.

Now the common vent you made, has now two weeks running been addressed by Anker. In a normal PD it bias those with accumulated most PBs so brand new users are squeezed out individually, but not collectively. That last two PD the PBs were 1 and a new user simply turning up each day earning 5 PBs can after 4 days fully bid on one item. You see that in the number of entries about 10x higher than normal.

In a typical week, you have about 100 entries per prize. A regular member gets about 35 PBs/week simply looking, and not doing anything, and any kind of involvement gets that higher. So a regular member who sees something to win can easily make their chances about 1:5 (100 of which yours 20) so you’d expect to see regular members (not high level, just those who come here and participate) much much higher than 1:Million. You can imagine how 1:5 feels. Someone can go bid to their maximum for months and not win. Imagine, now, their feelings, they haven’t expressed.

Math: say a user comes here regularly and bids fully 20 entries per PD with total entries 100. Week 1 chances 20:100 (1 in 5) , so probablity of not winning is 4 in 5 (0.8), after 2 weeks the probability of not winning either week is 1-0.8x0.8 = 64% so after 2 weeks chances of winning anything is 36%, 3 weeks its 49%. After say 10 weeks the chance they not won anything even after bidding fully every week is 11% so there are people who who bid every week and not yet won. Their opinions if expressed would be valid fact.

Anker also has competitions where level and PBs are not salient, based on judge’s selection or other mechanisms. Some are bias to higher members like based on likes so the higher members tend to like each other but if you read the comments most here don’t like likes. When we had likes based competitions some new members were created simply to like, so we preferred simple a judges decision to stop that.

So now you’d think why do higher members bother, so many competitions we rarely win against the many low level members? Well its because its not about winning.

What makes me not happy you see here, when an inactive member is only active to win a competition. I have facts to prove that but I’ll stop here.


I can assure you @angelkumawat304 there are people here for free products.
You come across a little defensive, I’m not sure you understood my sentiment.
But hey-ho, i look forward to chating more and getting know you better over the coming months :+1:t2:

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Very thorough findings there @professor

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Wow that’s a lot of math. I tried to read in my bed earlier and didn’t make much sense then but still don’t understand everything :sweat_smile:

Actually it’s similar to computer logic of NAND.

In statistics an AND is to multiply, so the simplest way to say someone never wins is to multiply the NOT winning. So chance of not winning is 0.9 chance not winning twice is 0.9*0.9 = 0.81 so chance of winning either week is 19% , etc.

Or is more complicated and there’s me think Not And would be simple.

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Possible that my words not understood and also that yours not as well ( its about those who are explaining) but what i want to say is this community for me is place of knowledge and im benefited a lot here. My that line was as simple as that. I dont want to make it further so I leave it to anker and thanks everyone. The best thing is that members do there best to make other members understand. Thank you everyone

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It is also worth nothing that my account it not new. Also, I have been an Anker customer since 2014. I have a couple of original PowerCore 10000 battery packs, a bunch of chargers (both several home and several car chargers) cables, and I just bought a mouse among other things.

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I know, I was refuting the low level member factually incorrect statement, it wasn’t an incorrect statement mentioning duration of member.

Congrats on winning.

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thanks i win!

On another note, since you have been so active for so long. How do they contact me about collecting this? I was so excited over the fact that I actually won something, that I forgot to ask that.

Within a week of announcement you’ll get an email like this (date different)


Check your spam folder if not appear.

You’ll then have to go to the link and supply personal details , address etc.

Then you’ll possibly get a shipping tracking email typically mentioning Ankerdirect and then the prize.

If you don’t get email, or then don’t get tracking, keep Anker on their toes with PMs prompting them. I’ve never had an issue but I’ve seen posts where others fell in a crack within Anker had a chaser needed.

So right now you just check your spam folder, after a while if no PM Ankerofficial, and then after a while if no tracking or no prize then PM again.

The two other physical item winners should get email about same time as you. The Powerbuck winners don’t have to do anything, wait and if theirs doesn’t appear then chase via PM.


Wow, thank you for the quick reply. I hope you have a great and safe weekend.

OH and as it’s been many months since I won, if the process has changed the prior week’s winner may have a correction to chime in.

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Sidenote: I think we all know by now that the “Winners Announced” date means that it will be announced sometime AFTER that date. Could be a day, could be a week, could be 2-3 weeks after that date. For clarification, they really ought to insert the phrase “no earlier than” just before the date.

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Let’s take a non-critical scholarly approach?

Is Anker following the Julian or Gregorian calendar?

I think November is in the spring?

I hope we see more powerbucks in the next auction

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I would say that but I don’t have a lot at all so I would hardly be able to participate :joy:

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Lol we all need some powerbucks :grin:

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has anyone received the claim email?