May be “Mr. Random” the well known “master” of that PD is able to follow your formulas!
PowerDraw Winner Anouncement (Weekly updates)
Your illustrative scenario using your stated assumption is good.
On the basis regular members already of plenty of PBs and conclude poor value to bid, while those with few PBs have “nothing to lose” yes I think the entries dominated by low PB owners infrequent users and as your example shows is going to make a small % chance we recognise.
Most people don’t understand probabilities, in real life when I say “probably” I get “you can’t know that” reply taking a probability statement as an opinion.
so when are they actually going to announce?
Probably in 5 hours
Still no results?
Not so far, it’s kinda like the lottery…building curiosity of the outcome but not likely to win big
Really hoping for the strike 1s.
May be they run short of bucks and they are not able to “pay” right now.
Winners will get a borrower’s note! :
Haha, winners get an “IOU”
I learned a new abbreviation
“IOU” a beer!
ok, ill take that IOU from you Franz.
I trust that you are good for your word
I can store you a beer here Paul.
But after the lockdown it will be sour!
Really curious to know who is getting all those free PB’s…
What if the admins have pocketed all the PB and ran off?
Charged, get it?
As it’s late at night I’ll settle for a beer instead at the moment
Feel like anker took the week off haven’t really been on much the end of last week start of this week.
Black beauties!