PowerDraw Winner Anouncement (Weekly updates)

So what happened to the PowerDraw? It’s been like an extra week.

National holiday in China so people would be off work


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Oh ok they deserve a good break. They work really hard for all of us.

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Yup should be nice week off for them. We might see some kind of celebration because of another year anniversary when they come back


work hard and play hard heh either way looking forward to next powerdraw

Would be nIce to see 1 PB powerddaws or a mystery box auction, for anniversary cellys…


The last time they had a 1pb powerdraw they had almost 3000 entries on each of the three items.

It would be just too many entries. These drawings were back in like 2018 and 2017, there are way more people on the community now so that means even more entries. Then you also have the powerbuck grinders who have powerbucks in the thousands.

Suppose history not boding well for future 1 PB draws… would almost be impossible to say 1 entry per…


I just leveled up to level 4 and got some more powerbucks. I have 600 so I am ready for next round of the powerdraw.


Do this! and for a newbie there is always a great chance to win.

The famous “random” may help! :rofl:


I would encourage you to try to not put in too much. Also wait until say Friday to see how many entries have been put in to decide. PBs are too tough to rack up after you lose them


Ja, not wasting too many PBs!
But newbies are often on the top of the list of our friend “Random” :smiley:


Welcome back Anker team!

Congrats to the PowerDraw winners: @Seppel18 @TheDude @abigail.dmorais :partying_face::partying_face:



Old, well known family member under the winners : @TheDude

Congratulations from over the pond!
Enjoy the weekend!


Thanks Franz. I’m excited to get my hands on these lights. I stumble around in the dark a lot hopefully these make my midnight refrigerator expeditions a little less unsafe.

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I installed those a lot here all over the house.
Better to find the way to the beer in the basement and
resulting of the beer the way to the loo at night! :rofl::rofl:

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Well done @abigail.dmorais @Seppel18 @TheDude on your wins :+1:t2:

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Are you sure that exact type? There’s the type with batteries which come on when its dark when they motion sense, these are the other ones which come when its dark (I think). I like the battery ones for placement where it’s dark and for outages.

I hope we see a nice charging brick for next week’s Powedraw

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