PowerDraw Winner Anouncement (Weekly updates)

Stay active and don’t spend (too many of) them on the powerdraw, and you will have enough in no time :upside_down_face:

Congrats to @proscriptus1, @professor, and @daniel.r.mcavoy for winning the powerdraw! I hope you all enjoy your prizes!

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A well known member is announced : @professor :smiley:


Well done @professor
I nearly entered for that, glad I didn’t so you could win!

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I won something?!?

I bid one entry for it.

I got fed up with going all-in and losing 1500 PBs to not win so just dip 1 entry. The homeopathy version of winning.

I don’t actually want them (if i did I’d simply buy) so it will be a gift to someone. Probably my wife.

It has been a long time since I won anything, and it’s all change. I notice Ankerofficial is working weekends and I notice I got the email immediately, the last time I won it took like a week to get the email.


May be you found out how to convince the very famous, well known
fellow named “random” :rofl:

The irony :joy::joy:.

Congrats on winning?


Congrats to all the other winners!! :smile:

Haha congrats @professor, when I won a week or so back I also bidded just 1 entry. It was our time to win that’s all. Enjoy your prize

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Thanks. We never hear from Tank jr @Spike1109 any longer.

I’m bidding one buck this week. Guaranteed win?


I’m the junior, he’s the third. But no he’s too busy playing and streaming games on Twitch and watching YouTube videos. And since school has been canceled for the rest of the year he has remote learning for the first 4 hours of the morning and then its back to the grind streaming

go for it, you got nothing to lose besides 1 buck

Works for some.
Good luck 1👍🏻

Dang congrats I had 15 entries in in that one guess you’re just luckier than I am.
Happy to see someone good got it!

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I don’t know the best strategy but it really hurts to bid > 1000 bucks doing all 20 entries and your chances increase to only about 1:3 at best.

I was at around 6000 bucks at one point, not won anything until I was down to 1000 bucks and did 1 entry per week.

It feels less bad losing 1 entry.

Oh well I’ll win again in a year or so…


@professor could give you the secret address of that mysterious “random” :rofl:

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You should crunch the numbers on the best way to “play”

I started to, but I’m not the greatest at math, so I got overwhelmed quickly lol.

The average number of entries per item over the past few weeks is 73.3

Well there only three levers you can pull to maximise chances:

  1. participate most to earn PBs
  2. bid on fewest entries, say on a Friday so your entry has fewest competitors.
  3. each of your own entries competes against your other entries so the more entries you bid the more wasted they are.

So late, little, often.

This is the one I usually go for, but it’s never worked.

I won once, and I decided to go in 5 entries right at the beginning.

I go all in more frequently on soundcore- basically anytime it’s a product I don’t have.