PowerDraw Winner Anouncement (Weekly updates)

As they seem popular lately, how about a Flare 2 (or a pair of them :grin:)


OK, 2 of those not 100! :grin:

I have never won the power draw……. But I do not play it as much either LOL

I didn’t see anyone I know that won the power draw.

Congrats to those who did win!

Congrats to this weeks power draw winners… don’t recognize any of the 3 users, must be newbies to the forum.

Two of them are members here since 2016 :wink: they just don’t show up very often lol, hope they could join our “clubs” and talk to us more :joy:

@AnkerOfficial you missed to Include the Best Auction house event ever :joy:Auction House - Mystery Item | 3 Year Anniversary Edition

This auction event should entice every to line-up for Anker Community and events!! The best community events :ok_hand::clap:

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You are right. I certainly missed the best Auction House event !!:rofl:

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Not to mention the winner there :shushing_face: :rofl:

Might even make regulars line up to bid, if profiles are not hidden :wink: :grin:

True fun is in mystery… Hidden profiles facilitate it

I dont get the obsession about hidden/viewable profiles.
If you can view everyone’s Bucks you know the winner (providing they are prepared to use all their Bucks) and that’s likely to result in fewer entrants?

I know there’s people out there with 3-4 times more than me, hence i dont bother entering.
Maybe if all profiles were hidden it would encourage more, especially the newer members.
The thing i miss from hidden profiles ie members bio’s.

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Not so much an obsession for most but a curiosity of ‘what is there to really hide’ (originally it was due to a DOB bug but that has been resolved)

Agreed…that and being able to view badges, locations etc.

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I have not much to hide!
But when being asked for my age -> I am about 45, or was it 55? :joy:
Depends on who is asking

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45 surely? :thinking:

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I get the curiosity, especially among the long standing members. The intrigue of who has the most is the same in all aspects of life :+1:t2:
As much as there is nothing to hide, there is nothing really to gain from knowing others Bucks quantities.
I’m sure there are long standing members here with lots of points and some with none as they regularly enter the Powerdraw.

But i belive this discussion has been ongoing almost from the start and don’t expect to see it end anytime soon.

Happy Bucks collecting guys and enjoy the auction when it comes :+1:t2:

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Hmmm, could be a little bit more, but only a few :thinking: years!

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I‘ve got to say, @AnkerOfficial must have the most bucks :rofl:



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Wow yes, thats a lot of bucks Pei, you have taken over a wealthy account :sunglasses: