PowerDraw Winner Anouncement (Weekly updates)

My front door bulb is Eufy, some earlier competition. It works! I use it time-based off the Eufy app and just moved its on/off time over months to suit seasons. Works well enough.

The ultimate smart home would your smartwatch sensing your heartbeat would sense you are about to wake up so it begins to turn on your needed devices such as make a coffee or turn on heating. Hopefully the intelligence behind that is ok with it…

It would be great if the app automatically adjusted the sun rise/sunset time like tplink bulbs. @AnkerTechnical I’m also hoping for some smart home Eufy sensors motion/magnetic to finish off my smart home setup.

Nice black mirror reference I have a few seasons to catch up on, any good ones I should watch?

No. Because then all the lights come at the same time so you automatically know which are not human present driven.

No specific, they’re all good just watch them all.

Now actually if you combine these ideas, you can see that physical items become worthless, what matters is human creativity, intelligence, so capturing that intelligence is most important. So a home becomes a place humans co-habit and why bother locking the doors as the important thing is not the house content but the humans.

If you take that the next level then you come to just humans, kindness, non-materialism, and just see a person suffering and give them what you can. A.K. Xmas (at the western culture version)

(or its equivalent as Jesus was faked by the Greeks anyway)

True but you could set the bulbs to away mode when you are traveling.

As for black mirror I’ll binge tonight I’ve been looking for a good show… I started Get Shorty on Netflix it’s decent but I love techpocalypse/black mirror. I hope the new stuff is as good as seasons 1 & 2.

Results are up congrats to the winners

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I don’t recognize any of the this week’s winners but congratulations. Enjoy your new toys :sunglasses:


Congratulations new winners!! :ok_hand::clap:

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Congrats to this week’s winners

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I bought a huge pile of different energy-saving bulbs at the flea market recently.
Though we have many lamps here in the house I suppose this catch will last a long time. So there is no need for smart bulbs. :grin:

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Congrats to @ktkundy @diana_mendes82 and @ggfleong


Congratulations to the winners
@ktkundy, @diana_mendes82, @ggfleong
Just in time for Christmas :slight_smile:


Thanks guys good luck for next week’s drawing

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Thank you so much!! Merry Christmas everyone :christmas_tree::christmas_tree:


Congrats Winners! Awesome prizes!
@ktkundy @diana_mendes82 @ggfleong

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Congrats to the week’s winners, @ktkundy @diana_mendes82 and @ggfleong!

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Really wasn’t expecting to see anything in the Power Draw this week. Hard for me to pass up that PowerLine+ II.

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Lol I went all in on it as I’ve not entered one in a while

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@k_pug2003 Good luck!

If it were a color other than red (already have a 6 foot red PowerLine+ II from a previous Power Draw), I might have entered. I might go in on the PowerPort 2, but I don’t think there’s much of a difference between that and the PowerPort 2 Elite (I haven’t found any real difference between them, anyway).

Congrats last winners!!

I won Two weeks ago right before Christmas and still haven’t gotten an email when should I start to worry