I was chatting with you about this over on the Kickstarter but wanted to chime in here in the off chance that someone official happens to jump in and actually offer some insight into what’s going on and how we can all resolve our issues when adding the HomeBase.
As said before, I’m experiencing the same issue. When trying to add the HomeBase on the app, it never recognizes that there is a HomeBase to add, despite both the unit and my phone being connected to the same router. The app offers no troubleshooting steps other than verify that both the device and phone are on the same internet connection, which makes it frustrating trying to figure out why it won’t connect. I’ve tried restarting my modem, router, phone, and the HomeBase, all with no change. I even swapped in a different data cable in the off chance that the provided cable was bad, and again, nothing.
The light on the HomeBase goes from a solid red light to a blinking white light. The setup instructions are not clear on if the light should be blinking or not.
I’m wondering if there’s some sort of firmware update that is either being installed, needs to be installed, or had an issue while being installed, that might be blocking the unit from talking. That or a change in version number on the app is crippling the connection.