Learning a new skill

So a few weeks ago I decided it was time to learn a new skill, which was …

… baking :yum:

Each weekend I’ve tried to make something new.
1st week was flapjacks - something simple lol
2nd week was shortbread
3rd week was cheesecake

4th week - (last week) was chocolate cake

This week was meant to be pavlova but plans got in the way so il go back to flapjacks as they were really nice lol

Have you recently learnt a new skill? Or is there a new skill you have been wanting to learn?


Great cakes they look awesome. I love to bake and I hope you are not living in the US.

I’m trying to learn some lines of code with Udacity and Codecademy


Looks delicious! Now you’ll have to offer cake to community members!

I recently learned how to build websites using Wordpress and Elementor. Started as an exploration into a possibility, but I already applied the knowledge in a microwebsite for work!


I have lots of skills that I’ve picked up over the years, sometimes I had to learn for employment, some to just kill time while I was between jobs!

I left school, and trained as a call order chef (posh pub grub, but not neuvue cuisine!) A silver service waiter, geuridon service (Crepe Suzette type stuff at the table).

Due to circumstances I left cooking, and became a labourer… Brick walls, stone walls, plumbing, demolition work (where I did most damage on my spine, in top of the static caravan falling on my back, when I worked underneath it! Oops). I was a maintenance guy for a caravan park n 50 bed hostel, even groundsman for a posh hotel.

As my back back got worse, I retrained to do office work… I turned on my first computer in March 1992, and in 2 months got a distinction, also trained in pitman’s office on top of the computer qualification.

I completed the first year of a B-Tech in photography (fundi g was stopped to complete the 2nd year).

I’ve done security work, worked as a solo video tech for a pro-video company (setting up, filming, editing). Worked as a sound tech for various music groups and a few massive public gatherings.

Taught I.T. as I have a level 3 NVQ. Also got a level 2 in customer services.

Have performed in gigs as a soloist singer for special church services, and fundraisers.

I’ve done n trained in shit loads, and every so often, I need to call on them skills!

You’re never to old to learn or retrain.

BTW, the cakes look fab


@Kopra_12 I’ve got coding apps on iPad for learning but have yet to start. Nope I’m in UK.

@tiagomota still learning the craft but so far I’ve had no complaints from friends, family and work mates.

@amangons just a few strings to your bow then. I try and learn things every now and then as it keeps my mind active and I like a challenge.

I’ve done something similar, but it has involved coding lol. Learning to do something new each week.


That’s the best thing you can do!!! :heart_eyes:
Learn to cook and learn to bake.
Of course it takes time, but as you have such nice results as yours are,
you might be happy and proud.

By the way, all young people should try to cook by their own.
Many of them are thinking to heat something in the microwave is real cooking!

But the real problem is, if the parents are not cooking, were
should children learn, having no role model.

Our kids are cooking perfectly, sometimes better as the old parents do. :grin:
And they use often new recipes we never would try.
But these are delicious!

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I try and get the kids involved, but after a while they are bored and go back to playing fortnite.

I must admit my culinary skills are good enough that I could make a meal for the family (not too fancy), but not quite at the stage I’m ready to make a Sunday roast or Xmas dinner by myself :joy:

The same was here years ago.
Sometimes the children were interested, sometimes not.
There was a period of time son preferred ready to serve pizza only.
We let him do this. :grin:
Now he is a skilled pizza baker, creating the dough, the sugo and the other ingredients.
The last time he visited us, he brought a machine to produce fresh noodles. A lot of work, BUT what a difference in taste to the “industrial noodles” :yum:

So I think the most important thing is, the kids SEE how a meal can be created.

Yes definitely agree on this point.

Having g lived in so many bedsits (house of multiple people, all strangers) I’ve aeenany a young person, confused on how to cook (sometimes the easiest of meals… Spaghetti Bolognese eg).

I had an advantage (on this occasion!) My dad was a chef, So when I was sent to him for holidays (by the state run children’s homes) I’d see him cooking. Cooking from fresh.

Apparently I baked my first cake at 5? Don’t remember tho. I do remember getting awards at school for cooking … First time I was 9 and cooked a full English for 4 people and came first against older kids too. Due to health, I can’t stand n prep etc like unused to, but still cook fresh, but with cheats (like frozen chopped peppers).

If you can cook n be inventive, you’ll never starve, even if the cupboard is almost empty.

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That’s it my friend!
Absolutely right! :grinning:

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Let’s see what have I learned… most if not all of these here where when I was in high school:

  • For starters I became a certified healthcare provider which changed to first responder.
  • Marina Management certified by the United States Coast Guard, and Crisis management
  • I got my launch tender operating license, Personal watercraft license, and I upgraded my boating license to Captains license
  • I built a CC boat, which my high school ha since turned into an electric boat…this is the only boat built by a student still in use, that’s my boat :slight_smile:

What have I learned since high school:

  • Became a master certified repair technician for all Laptop brands
  • Degree in IT networking
  • built computers
  • learned how to pull a motor and drop a new one in a car, change the suspension, fuel pump, turbo, intercooler, and tune my car for more power…took it from 185HP to 300 HP

As far as cooking goes, I learned that bCk when I was s tot. My grandmother made sure all of us knew how to cook when we were like 5.


Most impressed by self taught car skills :man_mechanic:
I can do some car stuff… Bleed brakes, change radiator, replace oil n sump… Just basic stuff.

We have a saying here in England…
Jack of all, king of none! That sums me up very accurately.

Meaning you can do lots of different things, but not fully skilled in anything.

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I am quite a all around caretaker here in our house.
The more you getting old the more you get experience.

BUT you always should know where to keep your hands off. :wink:
Do not touch things where you not know exactly how to handle.

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If I dont know how to do something I learn. Like the cars, it needed fixing and i didnt have the money to pay to get it fixed so u learned. Always learning and adjusting how i do things so as to be more efficient and find a way to save money.

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I think that’s the main reason we all learn to.do things for ourselves. :man_teacher:


Sometimes a hand who knows what he is doing will help you to save you much money.

There are many things which can be learned.
But for example:
Old eyes and trembling fingers keep me away from repairing watches. :grin:

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All of this time I should have been calling you Captain😁


Looks delicious!!! :heart_eyes:

What was the name : Captain Spock! :grin:
Just a joke! Just kidding!