Learning a new skill

Captain Tank. Tank being Robs nickname.

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Never heard of such a Captain.
But if he likes to be!
Tank : Panzer?

It’s funny how imaginary lines drawn on the globe and different groups interpretation of religion serve to divide us. I think Trump dividing the US for his own political gain is the best modern example of this.

And bomb disposal! :bomb::boom::boom::boom:


Tonight was flapjacks - I have to admit I’ve now mastered these :yum:

Gonna have to remember to take a pic before eating them :joy:

That will be hard, Get it while it’s hot.

Try adding a little bit of sugar and vanilla :wink:

Nothing better than a fried egg runny yolk pancakes and bacon​:drooling_face::drooling_face:


Have just been adding golden syrup but could try adding in different ingredients. Have some choc chips from the time I made shortbread - that could find their way into the recipe. Lol

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I love homemade flapjack, but especially the harder chewy stuff, not the current stuff in shops… Soft n crumbly.

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All “old housewives” now?
Swapping recipes! :joy:

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I used to work for a supermarket’s home delivery section in a call center.

As people would call in asking for their groceries, I’d suggest a meal plan/recipe… For example… Braised steak, mushrooms, sour cream… I’d suggest beef Stroganoff. lol

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I would prefer:
" 1 bis 3 Weißbier, 2 Weißwürste, süsser Senf und 3 Brezen".
Munich breakfast! :joy:
Not easy to translate, so I didn’t that! :smile:

I wouldn’t reject a brockwirst with my breakfast, buy not sure about the rest! lol

If ya put any of the sourkrout near my plate, I’ll chuck my plate at you! Hehehe :crazy_face:

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“Bockwurst & Sauerkraut”
More in the North of Germany.
If you don’t like the Sauerkraut… don’t forget a tasty and delicious beer!

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As I had to struggle through all that “haggis-stuff” recently.
(I learned a lot! :yum:)
I have to present other types of breakfasts!


Oh learning to bake well will make you really popular… possibly at the expense of some waistlines though :smile_cat:

I’ve been learning crochet over the past 6months. Started to rather enjoy it now.
And this weekend I’ve just started working on gaining Comptia security+ and cyber security analyst+ certifications. 6 months of hard study each week, but it sounds interesting and will be worth it I reckon!


Wow the cakes look yummy. I’ve been learning cooking since I started to live alone. But it’s a little bored to cook for myself. I’d rather cook for my friends and family to enjoy their satisfied faces. :grin: A new skill that I would love to learn is playing piano :musical_keyboard: or guitar :guitar:. Anyone is good at playing any instruments here?


I use to play the trumpet, clarinet and I attempted to learn the saxophone but it was too complicated with my fat fingers :sweat:




I hate you haha, j/k