Is the active communty getting smaller?

Too bad we can’t do a beer auction! :beers: :rofl:


Glad to see you back!

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You know there are many important :grinning: consultants everywhere.
Government, economy, management etc.
But more importance than a consultant has
a constultant of consultants :joy:

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It looks as if different governments are starting to reopen things and people are tired of the cabin fever as of late lol


It’s interesting to me as it’s not the pandemic we planned for when planning started in the 1970s, it’s been significantly easier / lighter than was assumed and so ironically it’s probably done most people good as it a reminder, a dress rehearsal, for the real one.

On geological timescales there’s been 5 mass extinctions, on human timescales the tiny variations in DNA means the species has been near extinction most of the time, the last 1000 years has had a few major 25% mortality infections, so this 1% ish one is but an arm scratch in comparison to what nature can do.

Hopefully the highly interconnected, complex supply chains, inter-dependency, mass migration, foreign holidays, water supply, food supply species extinction, inherently vulnerable, current state, gets a re-visit.

I’d hate for us to be all gone - who’d remember Beethoven?

Now that’s an idea @TechnicallyWell :beer:

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Me, even if its all gone! :smile:

I loved that movie as a kid! :wink:


I bid 1 imperial stout…

Pssst great idea… mind you i may end up drinking my bid…

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If the intention of the community, is 2 keep it small…it will B. If U desire growth, and that includes new people, you could grow in leaps and bounds. That said…Anker has superior products…who navigates the community is another subject all together.

Normally the community grows enormously
if there is a competition or give away.
But that’s only temporal :wink:


They can’t have giveaways every day lol


Seems we can take over the forum now! :joy:


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It is sad how small the community is getting but I’m still happy to show up and talk to the people here

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Agreed, it’s a shame how once thriving this place was and now seemingly a ghost land

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I was reading Jules Verne’s “The mysterious island” recently.
Lovely old book!

Meanwhile I think we few here are on such an isolated island and we are hoping @AnkerOfficial will show up like “captain Nemo” in that novel and help us out of that isolation. :rofl:


Oh where oh where did the admin go, oh where oh where can they be :wink:

The last community member…


I’m sure the admin is around somewhere it’s just a big game of hide and seek

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I’m in the top 10 for replies in the last week here with 5. 14th with 6 comments at soundcore though, that community is a tiny bit more active right now.

It’s a slow period, it will probably pick back up at some point. The reality is that anker has historically driven engagement with giveaways, auctions, powerdraws, and the chance to test or see cool new stuff. None of that is really happening right now, not too surprising activity is low.