How to ScreenCast on Nebula Capsule ?!

Hey guys.

Just received a Nebula Capsule for Christmas (cheers !).
Seems very great on the paper, but I’m not used to work with Androïd stuff.

So, I wonder how to screencast on this device ?

  1. My iPhone is bluetooth-linked to the Capsule (I use the remote from the app for example) but in Youtube, it says there is no more device to stream.

  2. And I have no clue to how cast from my laptop : I tried to add the device on Win10 with the option “wireless screens using Miracrast” but the Capsule were never found here. However, Win10 found it with the simple “Bluetooth” option.

Can you plz give me some advises ?

Thx a lot,
A newbie :slight_smile:


@vaeblo Please follow the below steps have one more try!

IOS Devices:
a. Make sure your phone and the Nebula are connected to the same Network.
b. Enable the Scree Mirroring on your iOS device in the control center
c. Then the Nebula will show up on the device Screen Mirroring List
d. Choose Nebula and once connected, your mobile device’s screen will be displayed on the projection surface.
Android Devices:
a. Open “Screen Cast” on Capsule
b. Open the “Screen Cast”,“Multi-screen”, “Cast Screen” or “Wireless Dispay” via the Pull-Down Menu, Settings, or WLAN settings on your phone.
c. Select “Nebula-xxxxxx” to connect
3. If Capsule still cannot be search, please write down customer’s phone mode and operationg system. The software verison and SN of his Nebula (Settings>About>Software/ SN).

Please email us at if you need further assistance. Thank you!


Thx for this fast answer :slight_smile:

I was able to screencast with my iPhone, thx for your concern.

For the second part, I can’t be able to find “Screen Cast” on Capsule.
I have those items :

File Manager, in which I have “Device / APK / Music / Picture / Video”
App Manager, in which I have “Youtube / File Manager / Media Player / WebView Browser / Aptoide TV / NEtflix / AirPin(PRO)”
Network, in which I have the wi-fi networks (logged into the good one)

I guess this Screen Cast menu could make me screencast my laptop on the Capsule ?

Software Version : NBUI_M1_V1.0.73
SN : D4111F401827A22E

Thank you

Just be warned that casting won’t work for copyrighted material. So any iTunes, Netflix, Google Play videos you might want to cast won’t work. You are pretty much restricted to YouTube - some videos - and personal videos.

That said, there aren’t, of course, any restrictions to any content coming from HDMI. Also, with the system incorporated into the Nebula, you are most likely well-served already! :wink:

Hey @tiagomota , thx for the reply.

Yeah, I understood the copyright-thing ^^

For the HDMI-part, I didn’t try it yet but I have no doubt it works, haha. The thing is I thought I could screencast from my laptop and I didn’t succeed to do it so far :pensive:

If I’m not mistaken, only the AirPlay - for iOS/MacOS devices - and Google Cast - for Android devices - exist in the Nebula. So you won’t be able to cast from your laptop unless it’s a Mac or a Chromebook - or if you do some workaround to simulate those OSs.


So what about Miracast ?
From here : we can read that :

I admit I’m a noob in those tings haha ! Thx @tiagomota

I might have mixed those two… :rolling_eyes:

Should I get a ChromeCast ? I read about it in several topics…

No Miracast should work. I don’t know how you access it with Windows but it’s like a Chromecast

Damn. What am I doing wrong then ?

@Kopra_12, could you tell me how you screencast from Windows ? I’ll try your way…

So, I wrote to the support and the answer is :

To address your concern, the laptop casting can only be connected with the HDMI cable with both devices. We sincerely sorry to let you know the mirracast is currently not available for the laptop device.

… So much for the “Total Cnnectivity” thing, right ?

Really disappointed here.

Miracast has always been finiky, just Google it and you will see all the problems people have had. At the same time, you may find a solution that will get it to work…

Couldn’t find it so far, but I’m still a believer :sweat_smile:
In the mean time, if someone has a solution : I take it !

At this moment, I’m thinking of getting a MiraScreen Dongle…

Hey folks! So, I just got my Nebula Capsule(won it through an Anker drawing with a year of Netflix… Awesome!), and I’ve already played around with trying to cast content or screen mirror. Short story seems to be that a Chromecast dongle is your easiest fix for casting pretty much anything but Amazon based content; the available app for using this service works passably anyway so…

Let me start off by saying that I really like my Nebula. I had a 3M/Roku projector that I bought like 5 or 6 years back that ended up being stolen. So, I have some experience, and I’m not just all moony eyes over the “free” product.

The issue seems to be in DRM and Google Play Services. While Anker did an EXCELLENT job here, they knew from day 1 that there was room for improvement, and based on my research, they’ve listened to their customers and made a improvements in their upcoming capsule 2.

There are a couple of tedious workaround “hacks”, etc that one can use to sideload apps, etc, but for what you want, a Chromecast is perfect, and fairly affordable.

Have I mentioned how much I LOVE watching shows on my bedroom ceiling at night? Thank you Anker!


I just got my Nebula Capsule and feel quite happy about it (yaaay). However, I haven’t been able to find the device to mirror-screen my Android 9 nor my Windows 10 PC. My Android mobile (Motorola) can’t find the Nebula device at all via Miracast (it does via bluetooth, I can use the Nebula Connect control just fine). My Windows PC, on the other side, does find the Nebula and tries to pair with it, but to no avail so far.

If you have found a good APP for mirror screening from Android to Nebula, please let me know. I need it for work and it would help me A LOT. Thanks!


I have the same issue, i am unable to connect my windows 10 PC. Appreciate assisting to identify or help to troubleshoot the issue - thanks


It is possible to make mirror screening with android/ios and a Nebula Max Capsule.






Has there been solution to casting from a Windows OS ? I really wish to be able to send presentation from my lap top


The best way to screencast is by using google chrome or some other streaming device that allows wireless connection. Solely relying on the phone to handle this properly is simply asking too much apparently