The 5 and the 9 neighbours are worsening things for everyone else. The 9 is worsening for you. This charts show the overlapping, you need separation of 5 channels, so 1, 6, 11

From your scan, you being on 13 is overlapping 9 which is a stronger signal so you’d be better on 1. But the people who manually picked 5 is going to still give you some degradation than if they had picked 6.
Planning, you sit with neighbours and make a physical map and agree minimum overlapping based on physical location. e.g.

If you cannot plan this with your neighbours, then simply move to 5Ghz, along with using cable whereever you can to reduce your congestion with yourself and your neighbours, who will themselves be going to 5Ghz probably eventually.
You can win-win with neighbours, because if you are close to each other, you can share Internet costs and lower individual costs. So there’s money savings to be made in the situations of high congestion. If you put 5Ghz access points in each apartment with Ethernet between them, you’d want the one in the middle of 3 apartments to have the Internet and you share the bill. The cost savings pay for the hardware.
Chances are you each right now is paying the Internet company for faster Internet than your Wifi can deliver.