So this isn’t for an Anker product (but maybe Anker should make a digital antenna, since I use one ) but I was cruisin Amazon deals and found these photos of a digital antenna:
WOW! That thing is like, the size of your living room!
Also, they went so far as to put in a shadow of the product in this one:
At that scale, it would be bigger than a pickup truck!
Anyway, I’m pretty sure that for under $30 the item is not actually that big - especially with free shipping, that would take a truck to haul in. This is probably better scale:
Anker always has good photos on their listings, not totally amateur like this one. Also, the reviews we make do a good job of putting things in context of how big they are.
Has anyone else found a ridiculous photo for a product on Amazon? Snap a screenshot and share below if you have.